Drinks & Smoothies

Three Nutritious Banana Smoothies for Better Weight Loss

Three Nutritious Banana Smoothies for Better Weight Loss

Bananas aren’t just tasty and abundant in potassium-they’re also great for fighting against inflammation and fluid retention.  When combined with other foods that speed up the burning of fat like spinach and flaxseed in smoothies, you won’t just get energized, but also contribute to a more efficient weight loss. Bananas: […]

How to Soothe Heartburn Naturally with Apples (3 DIY Remedies!)

How to Soothe Heartburn Naturally with Apples (3 DIY Remedies!)

Heartburn is unpleasant and common for so many individuals throughout the world. The burning sensation in the throat or chest happens due to the return of acid from the food into the esophagus.  Heartburn can be caused by numerous factors, including unhealthy food, overeating, eating before bed, stress, etc.  If […]

Tasting Wine Stimulates Your Brain more than Math

Tasting Wine Stimulates Your Brain more than Math

Wine tasting seems to be more engaging for the brain than any other human behavior. Or, at least this is what findings of a US neuroscientist indicate. Yale neuroscientist, Gordon Shepherd, notes that from the first view of a wine bottle to its manipulation in the mouth and then the […]

3 Effective Recipes to Cleanse the Kidneys

3 Effective Recipes to Cleanse the Kidneys

Considering the amount of fast food and soda drinks we consume daily, it’s no wonder our organs suffer. All of those unhealthy fats from fast food and the artificial sugar from soda drinks aren’t any good news for the overall health and many organs will start to function poorly as […]