These 8 Antibacterial Essential Oils Can Destroy All Germs. Here Is How to Use Them

Essential oils are natural compounds which are extracted from herbs and plants and they have different healing characteristics. The most common use of essential oils is aromatherapy which is known to better the emotional, mental, and physical health. For years, essential oils have been the main remedy for a variety of health problems. People have been using essential oils for beauty, relaxation, cleaning, improvement of health, etc.

The Healing Properties of Essential Oils

Some essential oils have potent antibacterial characteristics which can eliminate bacteria, fungi, viruses, infections, skin problems, etc. The best thing about treatment with essential oils is that they have no negative side effects whatsoever. This is great because you will prevent antibiotic resistance and avoid the detrimental effects that result from antibiotic consumption.

The Best Essential Oils for Destruction of Bacteria and Infections

Tea Tree Oil

This oil has antimicrobial, antiviral, and antibacterial characteristics and it can be applied topically without being diluted. It can treat a long list of skin problems such as eczema, warts, psoriasis, acne, etc. Aborigines have been using it for years as a potent antiseptic cure for infections, cuts, and burns. Tea tree oil is also known to treat severe infections, relieve clogged nose, clear head and chest congestion, as well as cold and flu symptoms. To unclog a stuffy nose, add few drops of tea tree oil in a pot of boiling water and put your head over the pot (not too close) and cover the head with a towel and inhale the vapor coming out of the pot for 5 minutes. Tea tree oil has been found to be very effective in treating toenail fungus and athlete’s foot as well.

Oregano Oil

This oil has therapeutic, antibiotic, and antibacterial properties and it is excellent in healing skin infections and minor wounds. Since it can treat infections, it can eliminate Staph infections very well. According to a study from 2001 conducted by Georgetown University, oregano essential oil was found to have the same germ-fighting properties as antibiotics. If you suffer from toe or nail fungus, apply several drops of the oil in a small tub filled with lukewarm water and soak the feet in it. You can also apply a mixture of water and oregano oil onto the affected area directly. This oil is also great in treating sinusitis. Just put couple of drops into a pot with boiling water and inhale the vapor for 5 minutes.

Cinnamon oil

According to newest findings, cinnamon essential oil can treat different types of bacteria like Escherichia coli, klebsiella pneumoniae, etc. Moreover, the studies point out that this oil is more powerful than rosemary, clove, lemon, orange, and lime oil in destroying bacteria. Another research showed that it can stop growth of bacteria 2 weeks after a root canal procedure. Interestingly, if you use homemade toothpaste, feel free to add cinnamon essential oil to it because it will block off dangerous oral bacteria. You can also use the oil to cleanse the air and eliminate airborne bacteria. Put it in a diffuser and spray it throughout the house.

Bergamot oil

This oil has antibacterial properties and it can eliminate intestinal worms. It is also very beneficial in treating headaches, scars, and muscle tension, as well as meningitis, UTIs, and mouth ulcers, cold sores, and herpes. Those who suffer from acne breakouts can apply this essential oil to treat the problem. If you suffer from UTI, rub a mixture of the oil and carrier oil onto the abdomen and throat.

Thyme oil

This oil is rich in antibacterial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, and calming properties and it can destroy bacteria present in milk and salmonella. The oil can also be used against congestion and for treating infections of the upper respiratory tract. This is the perfect oil for detox of the body from toxins. Thyme essential oil is highly effective in healing wounds and treating tiredness, gout, and arthritis as well. Ladies should know that this oil can significantly reduce PMS and menopause symptoms, even better than ibuprofen.

Lemongrass oil

This oil can prevent the spread of bacteria and treat skin problems and bacterial infections, remove unpleasant body odor, and alleviate food poisoning symptoms because it is rich in limonene and citral. When diluted with carrier oil, it can be used as oil for massaging that can be used on the temples area to alleviate headaches or onto the body to bring relief from muscle ache. This amazing oil can better your blood flow and alleviate muscle cramps and back pain.

Grapefruit oil

This oil is very efficient in treating different types of infections. A study published in the Food Science & Technology journal points out that this is one of the best oils for destruction of different strains of bacteria. It also has antimicrobial characteristics that can prevent and treat minor cuts and wounds. Other beneficial uses of this oil are destruction of the gut and kidney microbes, promotion of endocrine function, production of bile and gastric juice, and treatment of headaches, depression, and mental fatigue.

Clove essential oil

For centuries, this oil has been commonly used to alleviate toothaches by putting a drop of clove oil onto a cotton ball and then applying the ball onto the painful tooth and holding it for 15 minutes. The oil is also known to fight off bacteria and to treat warts, acne, colds, coughing, asthma, etc.