Author: bestfolkmedicine

Amazing Benefits of Pomegranates

Pomegranates Pomegranates are one of the healthiest and most healing fruits available today. They are rich in vitamin C, K, B-complex and minerals such as copper, calcium, and potassium. Pomegranates are an excellent weight loss food and also benefit the body by boosting the immune system, improving circulation, and offering […]

How to Make Aloe Vera Gel From Fresh Aloe At Home

By making your own Homemade Aloe Vera Jelly, you can guarantee that the highest quality of ingredients was included, and that it does not contains preservatives or harmful substances. The gel that is inside the plant Aloe Vera has been appreciated in lots of cultures due to the abundance with […]

Papaya Seeds For Liver, Gut, And Kidney Detox

About every part of the papaya plant is full of nutritional and medical benefits, so, it’s no wonder it has been widely used for health throughout history. It is a tropical fruit, native to Central America but nowadays can be found in any tropical climate. Characteristics: Antioxidants Papaya is full […]

10+ Foods that You Should Eat Daily for Clean Arteries

10+ Foods that You Should Eat Daily for Clean Arteries

The progressive clogging of the arteries is known as atherosclerosis and this is one of the major causes of heart disease. The role of the arteries is to transport blood abundant in oxygen to the heart and to other body parts. When they are healthy, they are strong, elastic, and […]

You Must Remove these Foods to Fight Off Inflammation

You Must Remove these Foods to Fight Off Inflammation

According to newest research, inflammation is the main reason for a long list of health problems. Inflammation is the body’s natural response to repairing injured tissue. However, when the process lasts longer than it should, it can easily turn into a chronic issue. Chronic inflammation can be triggered when we […]