How to Get Rid of Bloating: 9 Strategies Backed by Science

If you have experienced bloating at least once in your lifetime, especially after a meal, you probably know that it can be quite uncomfortable. Research indicates that 10 to 25 percent of healthy individuals commonly have problems with bloating, but most of them do nothing about this health problem.

Moreover, for people who suffer from digestive issues like IBS, bloating is a common occurrence. Hence, it is good to know that there is a way to alleviate the bloating through making adequate diet changes.

Continue reading this article to learn about the nine best ways to address bloating naturally.

9 Helpful Ways to Put an End to Bloating

  1. Consume more probiotics

Probiotics are good bacteria that are naturally present in specific foods and supplements. A lot of scientific evidence suggests that they can be of aid for the digestive health, particularly when it comes to bloating. A daily dosage of probiotics in a study done with IBS patients was able to decrease the bloating and pain signs, unlike in the placebo group. If you want to introduce more probiotics to your diet, consume foods that are rich in them, including yogurt, tempeh, kefir, pickles, kombucha, sauerkraut, and miso. If you opt for supplements, consult your physician or your pharmacist to choose the ones that are free of FODMAP ingredients.

  1. Try low-intensity workouts

According to some findings, low-intensity workouts may aid in moving the gas through the digestive tract and thus, lower bloating.

  1. Improve your eating habits

Believe it or not, even minor improvements to your daily eating habits can do wonders for your digestive health. Namely, some studies point out that there are those who tend to be more sensitive to the stomach stretching after eating so it may be beneficial to minimize the amount of portions to lower the stretching. Also, do not use straws and remember to eat slowly.

  1. Avoid foods that cause digestive problems

Some foods and drinks can contribute to bloating. For example, coffee may be problematic for many, especially in those who are intolerant to caffeine. Other foods and drinks include carbonated drinks, chewing gums and hard candy, as well as some nutrition supplements like powders.

  1. Opt for digestive enzymes

Digestive enzymes are chemicals in the body which assist the breaking down of foods and in some people, the needed amount of these enzymes may be insufficient for breaking down some carbs. These undigested carbs go into the gut and undergo fermentation, which in return leads to bloating and gas. You may therefore benefit from digestive enzyme supplements which you can purchase at the nearest pharmacy without a prescription. However, it is best to consult your physician first.

  1. Reduce constipation

Constipation is a common contributor to bloating. Namely, this is because the hard stool in the digestive tract expands the rectum’s diameter, which further slows down the proper movement of gas and foods through the digestive tract. Also, constipation may elevate the carb fermentation in the gut and trigger higher production of gas and bloating. You can prevent constipation by drinking sufficient amount of liquids on the daily, by working out more, and by consuming low FODMAP fiber sources.

  1. Treat FODMAPs sensitivities and IBS

IBS is a condition which is characterized by bloating and a lot of IBS patients may find relief after removing trigger foods. One way to achieve this is by following a temporary low FODMAP diet.

  1. Try peppermint oil

Peppermint oil capsules are produced from peppermint plants and are considered to have the power to elevate the intestinal transit time by relaxing the stomach muscles and boosting the bile flow.

  1. Meditation

An ancient spiritual method of connecting the mind and body, meditation is also believed to be a potent way to alleviate psychological stress, which is often connected with bloating.
