Tag: amino acids

Aloe Vera: Best Health Benefits & How to Grow it at Home

Aloe Vera: Best Health Benefits & How to Grow it at Home

Without doubt, aloe vera is one of the plants with the most amazing healing characteristics. Used for thousands of years through different continents, this plant does not stop surprising us. The translucent gel in it which is slightly bitter is 96 percent water, has 18 amino acids, and vitamins A, […]

10 Fat-Burning Plant Foods: Richer in Protein than Eggs!

10 Fat-Burning Plant Foods: Richer in Protein than Eggs!

Protein,the celebrity among macronutrients, is essential in our body for a long list of processes. Often times, when we think about protein, we usually associate it with animal products; however, it is important to know that there are a lot of plant-based foods that are full of this amazing nutrient. […]