A Glass Of Parsnip Juice Every Day May Relieve Asthma, Sinus Problems, Wheezing And Emphysema

Parsnip is a root veggie closely associated to carrots and parsley. It is native to Eurasia and its long and tuberous root has a cream-colored skin and flesh. Did you know that in traditional Chinese medicine parsnip is used as a natural remedy? Namely, this is because it has a high nutritive value and it has a lot of health benefits. Check out the list below to learn why you need to make it a part of your daily diet!

The Health Benefits of Parsnip

Rich in magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, and folate

Abundant in dietary fiber and B, C, E, and K vitamins

Good for anemic individuals because it is abundant in iron and B9 and C vitamins

It possesses strong anti-inflammatory and anti-cancerous characteristics and it has been shown to decrease the chance of colon cancer with its active compound Falcarindiol

It will regulate the sugar levels in the blood and lower cholesterol

Since it contains magnesium and calcium, parsnip consumption can be of great aid for strong bones and teeth

Parsnips can help you avert strokes, atherosclerosis, and other cardiovascular issues because it is rich in folate and vitamin K

This superfood can be of great aid for people who need to strengthen their immunity and better the health of their gut

The carotenoids in parsnips have the power to bring relief from asthma, emphysema, wheezing, and respiratory infections

Drinking parsnip juice is effective in averting premature skin aging by repairing the cells of the skin

Tips for Consumption

  • It can be consume raw in salads or juiced together with green apples and pears
  • Parsnip juice is the most beneficial when consumed in the morning
  • Parsnip can be cooked by light steaming and do not peel the skin until it tenderizes a bit
