Empty Your Bowels quickly with this 2-Ingredient Mixture

When you do not empty the bowels completely, you may experience pain, discomfort, and bloating. If this is a problem for you, you should know that your type of diet plays a big role on how good or bad your digestion and bowel movements are. Sometimes, due to poor quality food and exposure to environmental toxins, the bowel fills with a big amount of waste deposits which will not be properly expelled from the body if your digestion is not functioning 100 percent.

As a result, you may be more prone to specific health problems. This is why today’s article will be focused on presenting one of the most potent natural cures for clean bowels and healthy digestion. Holistic medicine proponents advise doing this all-natural bowel detox twice per year for optimal results.

Natural Bowel Cleansing-How to Do It

You will need:

5 cups of boiling water

150 grams of dates

150 grams of plums

Preparation: First, boil the water and then add the remaining ingredients and lower the heat. Simmer them for 20 minutes and then remove the content from heat and wait for it to cool down.

Use: Take a tbsp in the morning, prior to breakfast.