More Doctors Confessing to Intentionally Diagnosing Healthy People with Cancer for Profit

Though it may be difficult to believe, doctors do not always have our best interest in mind. Unfortunately, we are living in a world where illness is a profitable empire and in the name of money and profit, people are being misdiagnosed with cancer. One such example is Dr. Farid Fata who admitted in a court, several years back, that he was intentionally diagnosis healthy individuals with cancer and administered chemo in order to make more money. T

his is definitely a shocking discovery, especially if we take into consideration the stress and torture one undergoes by being wrongfully diagnosed with a severe illness and then pumped up with toxins in order to fill doctors’ pockets! His scam started in 2009 and lasted until 2016 and involved a staggering number of 1,200 patients. During this period, he received $62 million dollars from Medicare.

Doctors Lie because the Cancer Industry Is Fabricated?

In today’s world, it is no wonder that societies invest on chemo and radiation research more than in techniques for prevention if we take into consideration that averting illnesses does not bring money, but treatment certainly does! Fata’s patients and the rest of the world as well, were shocked to learn that a reputable doctor was faking diagnosis for money. However, this is the harsh truth and it does not just happen with cancer, but with other diseases that may help doctors generate more income and commissions, through the prescription of medications. Sadly, people are being used as a commodity by physicians behaving like businessmen without conscience.

According to Dr. Sayed Mohammed, a retired oncologist who saw the trend more than a decade ago, the only difference is that doctors, unlike businessmen, have our trust and health in their hands, which is quite the dangerous combo when money is in the picture.

Statistics Schemes

Another excellent example of false diagnosis is prostate cancer. Doctors give prognoses without presenting the facts to patients. Namely, a prostate blood tests looks for prostate-specific antigen, a protein which is made by the prostate gland and high levels of it are supposedly linked to prostate cancer. Nonetheless, this link is not 100 percent certain and when it is, the cancer is not necessarily detrimental. In fact, only around 3 percent of all men actually die from this type of cancer.

The test usually leads to repeated biopsies that may transfer cancerous cells into the track created by the needle or by spilling such cells into the lymphatic system or blood. Did you know that 90 percent of doctors who advise for cancer treatment for prostate cancer have a commission from each of the treatments that a patient will receive?

The Negative Effects of Chemotherapy

Chemo has been linked to growth of cancer and mortality rates. Namely, most chemo patients die or a stuck with the disease within 10 to 15 years after receiving treatment and this therapy is known to weaken the immunity, elevate the neuro-cognitive decline, worsen the functioning of the endocrine system, and cause toxicity in the organs. The patients are unfortunately in a constant state of illness until they die. Sadly, the cancer industry neglects safe and effective remedies while encouraging toxic remedies with low effect.

Source: Awareness Act and Real Pharmacy