These Six Herbs Can Help You Reverse Inflammation, Boost Brain Health And More

Throughout the world, different spices are used in different cuisines with the goal to add more flavor to our meals. But, little do we know that these spices possess some pretty amazing healing properties which can be highly beneficial for the treatment of numerous health problems. This being said, in today’s article, we decided to present the 6 most powerful herbs that you should definitely start consuming more or take them in supplement form to enhance your overall health.

6 Potent Healing Herbs

  1. Peppermint

This is the ideal herb for upset stomach and digestive problems. Also, its supplement form is highly recommendable for the treatment of IBS. These capsules enter the intestines where they apply their antispasmodic influence on the muscles that are not functioning properly and lead to diarrhea and constipation.

  1. Turmeric

Turmeric is known for its unique anti-inflammatory abilities and it is beneficial in lowering the ache and discomfort caused by rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. It is also able to alleviate inflammation during tendonitis and to improve the health of the heart. The recommended daily dosage is a pinch per serving whereas if you take it in supplement form, opt for 4 grams per day.

  1. Oregano

This is the ideal herb against infections, especially that of the upper respiratory tract and can be effective against traveler’s diarrhea and giardiasis. You can also use it to treat minor colds. Opt for a combination of oregano liquid extract and the essential oil and take 20 drops twice per day to 30 drops four times per day diluted in 4 oz. of pure water.

  1. Garlic

This plant is what you need to boost your cardiovascular health because its consumption is known to decrease the plaque deposits in the arteries. Hence, it will regulate your cholesterol levels, decrease the blood pressure, and minimize your risk from strokes. For optimal effect, consume 300 mg of garlic powder three times per day.

  1. Sage

For centuries, this amazing herb has been used for maintaining the brain’s health and for its antiseptic properties. What’s more, it also possesses a compound that impedes the enzyme associated with memory loss in patients with Alzheimer’s. To keep your sharpness if you suffer from Alzheimer’s, consume 30 drops of liquid sage extract 3 times per day. To alleviate sore throat, gargle with sage tea or drink a cup of it.

  1. Ginger

Research indicates that ginger is highly beneficial in relieving morning sickness and after-chemo nausea. Moreover, it has a much better effect than Dramamine in averting motion sickness. To prevent motion sickness, consume a mixture of 1 gram of ginger and some boiling water and drink it three times on a daily basis or 500 mg of powdered ginger 30 minutes before travelling.


Gardening soul
Very well mind