10 Simple Ayurvedic Tips to Avoid Diseases & Stay Healthy for a Long Time

Nowadays, Ayurveda has become more and more popular because people are learning more about its countless benefits for the overall health and well-being. When it comes to Ayurveda, we decided to present several routines which are believed to avert a long list of illnesses and better your health significantly. Check out the list below to find out more!

10 Ayurvedic Tips for a Better Life

  1. Work out on a regular basis

Work out at home or hit the gym 3 times per week.

  1. Drink a cup of water after waking up

A glass of warm water after waking up is highly recommendable practice.

  1. Follow a healthy diet

Opt for foods that are suitable for your body constitution. Avoid eating too little or too much.

  1. Listen to your body

Listening to your body means that you are able to quickly notice any kind of changes and to know what and when you want to eat.

  1. Organize your time

Always plan your week in advance and stick to your routine.

  1. Eat slowly and peacefully

When eating your breakfast or other meal of the day, do it away from your computer, phone, or tablet.

  1. Eat medium-sized meals

In order for your digestive system to work 100 percent, your stomach needs to be half full with solid foods, quarter full with liquids, and the other quarter needs to be empty.

  1. Practice oileation

This is a unique herbal warm massage which covers the body from head to toe with oils that are chosen in accordance with your constitution. The oils are absorbed through the pores.

  1. Avoid excessively cold water

Never drink ice cold water prior, during, or after eating.

  1. Always make pauses in between meals

In order for your digestion to work optimally, make sure you eat your four to five hours apart.