He Pours Vinegar in the Toilet and the Result Is Genius!

Keeping the house squeaky clean can often be a challenging task, especially when it comes to the bathroom. This is because to clean it properly, we need to deal with all the bad bacteria and harmful germs present there. This being said, we rely on strong, store-bought cleaners to speed up the cleaning process as much as possible. But, the issue with these cleaners is that they contain chemicals which are not good for our health. To keep yourself and your family healthy and still clean your bathroom properly, continue reading this article.

Vinegar: the Best Natural Toilet Cleaner

Did you know that white vinegar has potent cleansing characteristics and you can use it instead of harmful chemicals to clean your toilet bowl? What’s more, it is an easily-affordable product and you will not need to spend a small fortune and it cannot harm your health in any way. According to the Canadian National Collaboration Center for Environment Health, white vinegar possesses acid which impacts the bacteria’s cell membrane and triggers the release of protons and as a result the cell dies.

How to Make Vinegar-Based Cleaner

You will need:

1 l of white vinegar

Toilet paper

A toothbrush

An empty spray bottle

A cleaning brush


Preparation and application: First, put on protective gloves and pour half of the vinegar into the toilet bowl and pour the rest of the vinegar into the spray bottle and spray the bowl. Then, spray some toilet paper with vinegar and then make a couple of balls from the paper and put them under the rim of the bowl and leave them for a while. Use the rest of the vinegar to scrub the inside of the toilet and then remove the papers and flush the toilet.