How the Position You Sleep in Affects Your Health

On average, we spend more than 25 years of our lives sleeping and sleep is essential to our health and well-being because it gives time for the body and brain to revitalize, heal, and prepare for the new day. This being said, it is of utmost importance not just to get 7 to 8 hours per sleep daily, but to sleep in the adequate position too.

The Most Common Sleeping Positions

  1. The soldier pose

This is considered to be one of the most beneficial sleeping positions and it is known to avert wrinkles, promote sleep, alleviate acid reflux, maintain the perkiness of the breasts, and lower the chance for headaches. It is also advantageous for the arms, neck, and spine. However, this position can lead to pain in the lower back, worsen snoring, and is not recommendable for pregnant women. To avert ache in the spine, place a big pillow under the knees.

  1. The starfish pose

This pose is highly recommendable against insomnia and heartburn and it can also lower the formation of wrinkles and the chance for headaches; it is also beneficial for the spine and back. But, this pose may not be the most suitable one for you because it can lead to pain in the lower back, worsen the snoring in people with sleep apnea, and place too much pressure on the shoulders. If you still want to sleep in this pose, make sure you do it without a pillow to avoid the negative effects.

  1. The log pose

This pose refers to the sleeping on one side, either left or right, with the legs straightened. According to experts, sleeping on the left side has a lot of advantages to offer like less neck and back pain, ideal spine posture, improved digestion, and it is the best pose for pregnant women. However, it can sometimes trigger back or hip ache, as well as discomfort in the neck and contribute to the creation of wrinkles and saggy breasts. To minimize the disadvantages, sleep on a high pillow and place another one between the thighs.

  1. The yearner pose

This pose is characterized by sleeping on your left side but with the arms outstretched. It can be great in reducing heartburn and neck and back pain and in lowering the chance for snoring and waking up in the middle of the night. Nevertheless, it is known to pressure the stomach and liver, speed up premature aging, and trigger shoulder and arm pain as a result of the poor blood flow.

  1. The fetal pose

This pose is when you sleep with the chin down and the knees drawn towards the chest on the left or right side. This position is ideal for reducing snoring and acid reflux and it is beneficial for pregnant women. Sometimes, it may speed up the formation of wrinkles and saggy breasts and it may put additional pressure onto the neck and back. Change sides throughout the night to lower the negative effects.

  1. The freefall pose

This pose is when you sleep on the stomach; however, experts do not recommend it even though it may lower snoring in specific cases. On the other hand, it has a lot of disadvantages like pressure on the organs, strained back and spine, and wrinkles.