Urinary infections can be a really painful and unpleasant experience. This infection is characterized by an increased urge for urination and a burning sensation while urinating. Even though they can occur in both men and women, they are more common in women and are usually a result of the Escherichia Coli bacteria. To speed up the healing process after consulting your physician for appropriate therapy, you can rely on the powerful homemade remedy we have prepared for you today!
Recipe for Natural Antibiotic
You will need:
250 grams of parsley
250 grams of lemon rind
250 grams of honey, organic
A cup of quality olive oil
Preparation: Wash and then chop the parsley and put it into a blender. Add the lemon rind and the olive oil. Blend the ingredients for several minutes to get a homogeneous mixture and then transfer it into a jar. Store it in the fridge.
Use: Consume a tbsp every morning.
Additional Tips on How to Live Infection-Free
- Go when you need to go- holding urine in encourages the growth of bacteria. Hence, the more regularly you urinate, the less bacteria in the bladder and urinary tract will there be.
- Drink lots of water- proper hydration of the body with sufficient amount of water is known to expel the bacteria from the bladder. Make sure you reach 8 glasses of water per day.
- Drink garlic tea- did you know that garlic has strong antibacterial characteristics? To reap its benefits, you need to drink garlic tea! To prepare it, peel a couple of cloves and boil them in a cup of water. Once it boils, turn down the heat and cover the content. Leave it for 5 minutes and then strain and drink it.
- Drink parsley tea- this tea will encourage the removal of the bacteria from the bladder and it is good for prevention as well. Mix 2 tbsp of dry parsley and 250 ml of boiling water and drink it.
- Drink cranberry tea or juice- opt for 2 glasses of either drink every day.
- Eat more cucumbers- cucumbers have diuretic characteristics and this makes them great in detoxifying the body.
- Consume baking soda- to fight off the burning sensation during urination, drink 2 glasses of water and then a mixture from a glass of water and ¼ tsp of baking soda on a daily basis.