Put Vicks VapoRub on a Garlic Clove. The Reason? You Will Regret Not Knowing This Earlier!

This ointment is used to treat headaches, colds, coughing, nose congestion, and stuffy chest and throat. It has been present for more than 100 of years. However, there are so many other ways to benefit from this decongestant. This being said, check out the list we compiled for you today with 20 less known uses of this potent ointment.

20 Other Uses of Vicks VapoRub

  1. Mosquito repellent

Apply some of it onto the clothes and exposed skin parts.

  1. Alleviate sinus headaches

Apply some of it under the nose and start breathing deeply. The menthol will reduce the ache.

  1. Treat acne

Apply some Vicks onto the affected areas several times per day to dry them out and soothe the skin.

  1. Keep insects at bay

Rub some Vicks onto the neck, inner knee area, elbows, and behind the ears.

  1. Speed up the healing of bruises and minor wounds

Mix some Vicks and a pinch of salt and apply it onto the bruise.

  1. Eliminate warts

Apply Vicks onto the wart twice per day and attach it with gauze. Do this for two weeks or so or until the wart dries and falls off.

  1. Alleviate earaches

Put some Vicks on a cotton ball and place it into the ear for immediate relief.

  1. Heal athlete’s foot

Apply Vicks onto the affected area twice per day.

  1. Treat Eczema

Lower the inflammation and itchiness by rubbing some Vicks onto the affected skin parts.

  1. Prevent the pet from peeing everywhere

Put an open bottle of Vicks onto the rug or any other areas where the pet should not pee.

  1. Reduce the visibility of stretch marks

Rub some Vicks onto the affected skin parts and you will notice the first positive results after 2 weeks of daily application.

  1. Keep racehorses focused

Applying Vicks under the nostrils of racehorses is very common during races to prevent the horses from being defocused by the odor of the female horses.

  1. Heal cuts and splinters

Apply Vicks onto the affected skin parts to prevent infection and speed up the process of healing.

  1. Prevent the cat or dog from scratching furniture

Rub Vicks onto the furniture, doors, windows, walls, etc.

  1. Alleviate congestion and coughing

Apply Vicks onto the chest area and the throat.

  1. Treat fungus

Apply Vicks onto the toenail or fingernail 2 times per day and cut off the nails until the infected part is completely gone.

  1. Soften cracked heels

Rub the heels with Vicks and put on warm socks and wear them overnight. In the morning, rinse the feet with water and exfoliate the skin with pumice stone.

  1. Hydrate the skin

If you have dry skin, apply Vicks.

  1. Treat tennis elbow

Rub some Vicks onto the elbow to alleviate the ache and discomfort.

  1. Relax sore muscles

Massage them with Vicks and then wrap the area with a warm towel and lie down until the pain decreases. Repeat the procedure 3 times per day.