Science Sheds Light why Heating Food in Microwaves Is a Bad Idea

Nowadays, there is a lot of debate on whether microwaves are safe for use or not. Despite being very common in households throughout the U.S. but elsewhere as well, more and more evidence is appearing and it indicates that this kitchen appliance is a cause for concern.

As you may already know, microwaves function by making water molecules resonate at high frequencies and convert them into steam and thus, heat up the food. Although they are a convenient method to prepare food, the radiation changes the food’s chemical structure, as noted on Collective Evolution.

Why Should You Stop Heating Up Food in Microwaves?

Though they are approved as safe by the FDA, this is not a 100 percent guarantee that they are actually safe. There are several examples with things that are FDA approved yet have been questioned for their quality and negative effects on the health and environment, for example, Asbestos, Glyphosate, etc.

Microwaves, unlike stove-cooking, deform the molecules in the food. By doing this, the food is completely depleted of its essential nutrients. Namely, a 2003 study showed that after being microwaved, broccolis lost up to 97 percent of their beneficial antioxidants whereas steaming contributed to only 11 percent lost antioxidants.

Microwaves are also known to destroy the immunity-boosting properties of breast milk which are pivotal for the proper health and development of children. What’s more, in a Japanese study, it was discovered that 6 minutes of heating milk in the microwave caused the milk to lose 40 percent of its B12 and it was completely deprived of its nutrients.

The Type of Containers Used for Microwaving Food also Matter

Without doubt, microwaving foods in plastic containers must be avoided, regardless of whether the container has been labeled as safe for microwave usage or not. This is because plastic products are filled with numerous chemicals that can disrupt the hormones and the heat will elevate the chemical transfer from the plastic to the food being heated up, also known as chemical leaching.

The Best Options for Microwave Containers

  • Paper plates, napkins, and towels
  • Glass and ceramic dishes
  • Wax and parchment paper

In addition to plastic containers, make sure you also avoid heating up foods in microwaves in with the following things:

  • Brown paper bags
  • Aluminum foil
  • Dishes with metallic trim or pain
  • Foam-insulated bowls, plates, and cups
