Sprouts Are a Nutrient Powerhouse. Learn How to Grow an Endless Supply

Introducing sprouts to your daily diet is one of the most affordable and beneficial methods to provide the body with pivotal nutrients that will make the immunity stronger. What’s more, sprouts can be easily grown at home from seeds. You will love them!

The Advantages of Eating Sprouts

As you may already know, sprouts are rich in phytonutrients used during the plant’s growth and nutrients that are present in the grown plant. Since sprouts are not completely grown, it is much easier for the body to absorb the nutrients upon consumption. Proven health benefits of sprouts are:

  • Anemia prevention
  • Better cardiovascular health
  • Improved liver function
  • Regular bowel movements
  • Stronger nails, skin, and hair
  • Less negative stress and depression
  • Lowered menopause symptoms

How to Grow Your Own Sprouts?

Unfortunately, a lot of the commercially sold sprouts have been linked to foodborne illnesses. Therefore, it is a much safer alternative to grow your own supply. Make sure you store the sprouts in the fridge.

You will need:

One jar (a quart to a gallon in size)

One bowl


A rubber band



Procedure: After washing the jar, place the seeds you have chosen and add a cup of water for every tbsp of the seeds. Kale, broccoli, radish, and cabbage seeds need to soak for 3 hours whereas the smaller ones need between 2 to 6 hours. Bigger seeds like grains, lentils, and peas need 12 hours of soaking. Then, cover them by putting the cheesecloth over the jar’s top and secure it with the rubber band. Leave the seeds to soak and then rinse and dry them every three days. In approximately a week or two, the seeds will sprout. To divide the hulls, swirl the sprouts in a bowl with cold water. Remember to rinse and dry them prior to storing.