This Homemade Toothpaste Whitens Teeth, Helps With Cavities And Gum Disease

Unfortunately, a large part of the store-bought toothpastes contain a lot of harmful ingredients which damage the health and come at a high price. This being said, it is good to know that there are natural toothpastes that you can make at the comfort of your own home with affordable ingredients that you already probably have in your kitchen counter. The recipe for such toothpaste that we have prepared for you in today’s article is free of fluoride and it is rich in antibacterial properties.

Homemade Toothpaste Recipe


A tbsp of neem powder

3 tbsp of extra virgin coconut oil

3 tbsp of baking soda

Preparation: In a bowl, mix all of the ingredients and then transfer the content in a small mason jar. Store it at room temperature.

Use: Brush the teeth with it two to three times per day, same as you would with a store-bought toothpaste.

This toothpaste will keep the teeth and gums healthy, whiten them naturally, and avert cavities.
