Clear Your Arteries Naturally With These Effective Home Remedies

Arteries and blood vessels are there to carry oxygen rich blood throughout our body; from the brain to the tips of our toes. Healthy arteries have smooth inner walls, and blood flows through them unobstructed. However, due to various genetic and environmental reasons, some people develop plaque build-ups in the arteries that can obstruct the blood flow, and lead to serious health hazards, such as heart attack and stroke.

What causes arterial build-up?

Plaque that accumulates on the inner walls of your arteries is made from various substances that circulate in your blood. These include calcium, fat, cholesterol, cellular waste, and fibrin, a material involved in blood clotting. In response to plaque buildup, cells in your artery walls multiply and secrete additional substances that can worsen the state of clogged arteries.

Here’s what increases the risk of arterial build-up:

  • High cholesterol levels
  • High blood pressure
  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity

Accumulation of arterial plaque can also cause significant damage, and lasting negative effects on our body. Depending on where exactly the plaque is building-up, it can cause issues such as:

  • Coronary artery disease that leads to chest pain, shortness of breath, and possibly heart attack
  • Carotid artery disease that can lead to stroke, as oxygen supply to the brain is cut
  • Peripheral artery disease cuts the blood flow to the extremities, causing pain, numbness, or infection in your legs and feet.

Considering the fact that arterial blockage takes years to develop, getting diagnosed on time can be extremely difficult, but nevertheless, it is essential to patients’ well-being. If you’re unsure of your arterial health, you can set your mind at ease by eliminating bad habits, such as smoking and over indulging in alcoholic beverages, and replace them with consuming some of the natural arterial un-blockers listed:

  1. Garlic

Famous for improving the blood flow, garlic is your best friend when it comes to clearing arterial build-ups and unclogging the ones that are clogged. It has the ability to widen our blood vessels, and, in addition it also decreases the risk of stroke and heart attack significantly.

  1. Ginger

Another spice plant, famous for its borderline miraculous effects on our health, ginger reduces the existing plaque that has built-up in the arteries, and prevents new one from forming. It also lowers cholesterol, and can be consumed in dozens of ways: in various dishes as a spice, or in drinks, such as tea. You can also use ginger essential oil.

  1. Coconut oil

Once again, a super-food, coconut oil’s saturated fats content is what reduces arterial build-up and improves blood flow throughout our body. Moderate consumption is recommended, as saturated fats can harm you in the long run.

  1. Lemon

High content of Vitamin C, as well as the antioxidant abilities, is what makes lemon one of the most effective natural anti-inflammatories; which is what you need for your arteries. It can also reduce cholesterol and increase the oxidation of blood, which has numerous benefits for both our physical and cognitive health.