10 Spiritual Symbols (and their meaning) You Must Know

Believe it or not, your spiritual development can often be assessed by specific spiritual symbols and their meanings. These symbols can leave a deep psychological impression on our minds. Below, you can learn more about what they stand for. You will be amazed!

10 Spiritual Symbols and What They Mean


In Arabic, the word hamsa stands for ‘five’ and it is a representation of the five fingers on every hand. This sign is considered to be a sign of protection and it is believed to keep safe those who can be harmed by the Evil Eye. According to its history, if you carry this symbol with you, no one will be able to harm you, despite their intentions.

The flower of life

One of the major symbols in sacred geometry, the flower of life is known to contain all patterns of creation within it. It can be related to almost every ancient culture and some even believe that it is among the sacred formations from which creation arose.

Dharma wheel

Also known as the Wheel of Law, this sign is a Buddhist symbol of the teachings of Nirvana. Every spoke is a step from Buddha’s eightfold path and it is older than Buddhism itself, that is, it dates back to 2500 B.C.

 The Caduceus

This is a traditional symbol of Hermes and it includes 2 snakes winding around a winged staff. In astrology, it represents the planet Mercury and your life force energy. The two snakes stand for the Kundalini energy which rises from the spine’s base and one is feminine and the other masculine. They are intertwined so that the successful individual can ride on the wings of their new life.

The pentacle

This pentagram stands for the qualities of man, that is, the top point is the spirit and the other ones are the four elements.

Yin yang

The yin-yang is a sign of the harmony of duality and a representation of the unity between the masculine and feminine. This spiritual reminder shows us that a balance between darkness and light is a holistic approach to living a meaningful life.

Lotus flower

This is a crucial symbol in Buddhism, but in some other religions too. It is considered to be a representation of enlightenment because it has grown from the dark and muddy waters of materialism and it reveals its petals to the sunrays of enlightenment. It shows us the journey out of darkness and the transformation, but the importance of detachment too as the droplets of water slide off easily from the petals.

Eye of Horus

This is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection and it is considered to be ‘the all seeing eye’. Its original purpose was to keep the pharaoh safe in this life, but in the afterlife too.

The Ankh

According to some historical data, this sign was used by our ancestors during intercourse with the aim to regenerate the sexual energy during an orgasm. Nowadays, people consider it to be a symbol of life and spiritual wisdom.

The tree of life

This commonly used sign by different cultures and religions is connected to birth, life, death, and rebirth. In Christianity, this tree is considered to be the one from which the forbidden fruit was picked from. This tree shows the link between the 4 earth elements and it represents the infinite connection between all creations.