7 Days – 7 Glasses: A Powerful Method That Burns Abdominal Fat!

Our society in general, and most of us, are obsessed with the way we look and the way that other people perceive us. Sadly, we tend to be more worried about the way people perceive our physical look, other than our other features. People around the globe spend thousands of dollars to make themselves appear younger, slimmer, and prettier. They resort to chemical treatments, and even painful surgical procedures, just for the vanity that, frankly, no one cares about.

However, in some cases excess weight is a dangerous threat to the person’s health. In those instances, losing weight is a priority that must not be delayed, and it should be achieved in the healthiest way possible.

Here is a simple, healthy, homemade remedy for burning the excess fat in a matter of days that has no negative impact on your health and well-being:


  • 1 cucumber
  • 3 pieces of pineapple
  • 1 stick of celery
  • 1 cup of parsley leaves


Wash all of the ingredients thoroughly with cold water. Cut the cucumbers in circles. Cut the celery and parsley into small pieces. Add all of the ingredients to a blender and mix until a smooth mixture is created.


The benefits of this drink are numerous:

  • Cucumber is a great source of water, and it will hydrate your cells, make your skin appear younger, help expel toxins faster from your body, and it will help with fat burning.
  • Pineapple is rich in Vitamin C, which will keep you safe from any bacteria and viruses roaming around. Other ingredients in pineapple, such as fiber, will help you get rid of excess weight and stored fat.
  • Celery helps with cholesterol levels control, protects your liver, and boost digestion. In addition, it has an extremely low content of calories, which makes it a perfect addition to this juice.
  • Parsley is a powerful diuretic, which means it will help get rid of any fluid you’re unnecessarily retaining in your body, and flush any toxins that are in there as well.


Consume the mixture every morning, for seven days straight, on an empty stomach. If you can avoid adding sugar or sweeteners that would be great, but if you can’t drink it without some try adding honey.

The recipe above is enough for one morning, and you will need to make it fresh each morning, for seven days. The key is to consume the potion no later than 15 minutes after making it, in order to insure optimal efficiency.

In those seven days of consumption, you can expect to notice significant improvement with your belly fat situation, and you should also feel a lot stronger and healthier.

Make sure you don’t overindulge in this potion, as prolonged use can have negative effects. Use it no more than once (for one week) every three months. If you notice any negative effects, or if you are allergic to any of the ingredients listed, avoid this potion and look for another one.


Source: hangover-cure.co.uk