8 Common Health Problems and the Best Natural Remedies to Treat Them

Though the list of health problems one can suffer from is unfortunately a rather long one, there are specific issues that happen more frequently than others and people want to know whether they can treat them successfully, in a short amount of time, and if possibly, with the help of natural medicine. Therefore, in today’s article, we decided to present the best natural DIY cures for the 8 most common health complications and ease your life. Check out the list below…

How to Treat 8 Common Health Problems

Pain in the back

Hot and cold compress

Hold a hot compress onto the back for 10 minutes and then remove it and immediately place the cold compress. Repeat this procedure for approximately half an hour.

Rubbing alcohol massage

Massaging your back with the help of rubbing alcohol can be very beneficial in reducing the discomfort and pain.


Mint and chamomile tea

This tea is known to relax the muscles and lower the ache.

Cold compress

Hold a cold compress onto the painful area for 15 minutes.

Honey & onions

Grind one garlic clove and mix it with a spoon of raw honey. Apply the mixture onto the forehead and leave it for a while and then rinse it off.

Stuffy nose


Lean over your head over a pot with steaming water and cover the head with the help of a towel to prevent the steam from escaping. Inhale the steam and try to relax for 5 to 10 minutes.

Honey & apple cider vinegar

You need to combine one cup of water, 2 tbsp of ACV, and 2 tbsp of honey. Wait for 3 minutes and then drink the remedy.

Sage, cinnamon, & bay leaf

Add a bit of each herb into boiling water and the beautiful fragrance that will begin to spread is potent enough to unclog your nose and alleviate your breathing.


Tea tree oil

Apply a couple of drops of this oil onto the affected areas daily.


In a bowl of water, add a handful of thyme and bring it to boil. When it begins to boil, remove it from the heat and when it has cooled down, you can massage it into the affected areas of the skin.


Soak half a kilo of oats in a liter of water and boil it for 4 minutes. Stir constantly and then leave it to cool down. Use to make a compress that you need to place onto the affected areas.


Hot and cold compress

As previously noted, hot and cold compresses are great in relaxing the head muscles and bettering the blood flow.

Peels from bananas

Sprinkle a bit of alcohol onto the peel’s inside and then lie on the bed and place the peel on the forehead. It will absorb every toxin and treat your migraine.


One cup of sugarless black coffee can help you minimize the discomfort and pain.


Cooked apples

Peeled and cooked apples can be very effective in reducing the constipation and bettering your digestion naturally.

Kiwi & orange juice

Fresh juice from oranges and kiwi will improve the digestion and encourage bowel movements.


When mixed with some water and fresh lemon juice, oats can assist you in solving this issue.

Indigestion and pain in the abdomen

Lemon juice & baking soda

Mix a tbsp of sodium bicarbonate, a tsp of lemon juice, and half a cup of water and drink the mixture slowly.

Chamomile tea

This tea is one of the best for reduction of abdominal ache.

Basil, mint, & cinnamon

Mix a tbsp of each of these 3 ingredients in a half liter of water and cook them for 10 minutes. Drink one cup of this mixture every half hour.

Loss of hair


Boil several beetroot pieces and then leave them to cool down. Use the liquid by applying it onto the scalp. Do the procedure 3 times per one week.

Coconut milk & carrots

Mix equal amounts of these two ingredients and apply it to the scalp. Leave it for half an hour before rinsing off the hair as regularly.

Onion, lemon, & garlic

Mix equal amounts of garlic and onion juice onto the scalp. Rinse the hair after 20 minutes with lemon juice to suppress the bad odor.

Colds and the flu

Warm soup

If you have the flu or a cold, make sure you drink a cup of fresh, homemade soup daily to lower throat ache and alleviate other symptoms.

Orange juice

Fresh orange juice with breakfast on a daily basis is one of the best ways to prevent colds and the flu.

Honey & lemon

Mix 7 tbsp of raw honey and 2 cups of fresh lemon juice and boil them for hour and a half. When it cools down, take 2 tbsp of the syrup on an hourly base on the first day. On the second day, take a tbsp every 3 hours.


Cinnamon & honey

Mix equal amounts of these two ingredients and apply it onto the acne.

Lemon tea

Cook grated lemon zest and water for 5 minutes and drink the mixture 2 times per day. It will cleanse the skin from the toxins causing the acne.

Orange peel, oatmeal, & yogurt

Place one orange peel in a bowl of water and leave it for 24 hours in the fridge. After a day, cut the peel into smaller pieces and bring them back in the water and add 3 tbsp of oatmeal and 2 tbsp of yogurt. Stir the content well and cleanse the face with it. Leave it for 5 minutes before washing off the face with lukewarm water.