5 Effective & Easy Ways to Treat Finger & Toe Whitlow

According to Medical News Today, whitlow finger or herpetic whitlow is a painful infection which may occur in both adults and children. The condition may lead to other symptoms, but luckily, there are easy methods that can help you treat it.

This infection is triggered by HSV or the herpes simplex virus and it causes the formation of an aching wound on the fingers, i.e. the whitlow. Usually, it develops on the fleshy area of the index finger or the thumb. Sometimes, it may also form on the toes.

Below, check out the major symptoms of the infection so that you are able to recognize it and treat it adequately, as well as 5 effective and simple treatment options that you can try out.

What Are the Symptoms of Herpetic Whitlow?

As seen on Medical News Today, here are the main signs of herpetic whitlow:

  • The symptoms happen between 2 and 20 days after exposure to the HSV
  • There is a burning and tingling sensation in the infected area and the ache may be felt prior to noticeable whitlow
  • Swollen and red finger, as well as blisters full of pus (this could be a group of blisters or only one)
  • In the final phase, the blisters rupture and a scab forms
  • The scab takes several weeks to heel and the infection goes back to dormant state
  • Other possible signs are fever, swollen lymph nodes in the elbow or armpits

5 Natural Treatments for Herpetic Whitlow

Health and Love Page suggest that these five treatment options can be of great aid for herpetic whitlow:

  1. Immune-strengtheners

Since whitlow is a type of infection, the risk of developing it or activating it happens when the immunity weakens. So, it is pivotal that we maintain a strong immunity with the right nutrients and through the right foods. Remember to get sufficient amounts of vitamin C and enrich your daily diet with foods such as tropical fruits, red bell peppers, citrus fruits, and dark leafy green veggies.

  1. Tea tree oil

This oil is well-known for its anti-viral properties. Therefore, apply a drop of the oil onto the affected area and leave it to dry and be absorbed. Do not rinse off the area. Repeat 7 to 10 times per day.

  1. Rice flour paste

Mix rice flour and linseed oil to get a paste. Apply it onto the affected finger or toe and cover it loosely with a bandage. The next morning, rinse it off with water gently. This combination will cause the abscesses to rupture quicker and the pus to drain, which will consequently decrease the lifespan of the infection.

  1. Warm water

Soak the finger or toe in warm water for a couple of minutes. You can also add several drops of liquid antibacterial soap. Repeat a couple of times on the daily. This will minimize the pain, discomfort, itchiness, and inflammation.

  1. Lemon

Lemon is rich in vitamin C and this vitamin is essential in preventing the infection from becoming worse. And, it will therefore speed up the healing process. Take one slice of lemon and apply it onto the finger or toe. Leave it like that for 10 minutes. Repeat throughout the day with a fresh slice of lemon.

Important to note:

If you notice the infection worsening, consult your physician!
