FDA Issues Voluntary Recall for Popular Thyroid Medication

For a lot of people with health conditions, the daily medications which they take help them control the symptoms and to experience fewer complications. However, what if you learn that your prescription meds have been recalled because of manufacturing problems? Not good, right?

Even though this is quite the uncommon thing to happen, it is not impossible. And, according to Healthy Holistic Living, recently, the FDA recalled a thyroid medication because of the same reason. If you want to learn more about the medication and why its production was stopped, continue reading the article.

FDA Recalls Hypothyroidism Medication

As seen on Health Line, Westminster Pharmaceuticals LLC, a company which produces levothyroxine and liothyronine, recalled these medications voluntarily. The recall is a result of the usage of ingredients that were found to be deficient of the current good manufacturing practices of the FDA.

The company got its active ingredient for the thyroid meds from Sichuan Friendly Pharmaceutical from China, a company which had an Import Alert due to poor manufacture practices during an inspection led by the FDA. Even though it was the FDA who requested the recall, they pointed out that those patients who take these meds should continue using them until they get an adequate replacement.

Hypothyroidism Explained

As explained on Healthy Holistic Living, hypothyroidism is a condition characterized by a low level of thyroid hormone production. This prevents the body from functioning 100 percent since the thyroid hormones are pivotal for almost every organ- they regulate the usage of energy throughout the day. Hence, a low amount of thyroid hormones may decrease the function of numerous processes in the body.

This condition is usually manifested by symptoms such as constipation, depression, weight gain, pain in the muscles and joints, dry hair and skin, chronic tiredness, weight gain, swollen face, slower heart rate, and goiter.

How Is Hypothyroidism Treated?

The previously mentioned meds are the conventional medicinal approach to treat this condition. The meds replace the hormone which the patient’s thyroid cannot produce on its own. Liothyronine is a therapeutic formulation of this hormone while the Levothyroxine minimizes the size of the increased glands and to treat thyroid cancer. In most cases, the meds prescribed by doctors keeps the condition under control, but the patients need to take a pill on the daily for optimal effect.

Important to note:

If you take either of these recalled meds, continue the usage as you would normally, and remember to consult your physician about the replacement you need to get.
