Flush Liver Toxins With This Amazing Bedtime Mixture Of Turmeric, Ginger And Coconut Milk

We all remember the time when we use to drink a warm cup of milk before going to bed with a bed time story in our childhood which is now a dream for many of us because everyone is very busy in their regular busy routine and sometimes forget to pamper them self.

Today we are sharing golden milk recipe in this blog which is a mixture of turmeric, ginger and coconut oil.it is very helpful in cleansing different toxins from your body and also helps you to relax after a long tiring day with a peaceful sleep.



This is a golden herb we all can easily found in our kitchens and mainly used in different cuisines with a fresh aroma and taste.

As per many ancient cultures it is helpful in getting rid of many diseases such as pains, and migraine also in diabetes, cardiac strokes or chronic illness.

It is also very beneficial in killing cancer cells.

It can detox liver, fights with germs and bacteria, heals wounds, and controls sugar and cholesterol level due to large number of curcumin found in it.


Coconut milk:

On other hand coconut milk is enriched with different vitamins and proteins and magnesiumand a large amount of calcium is also found in coconut oil, which is best in cold, flu, cough, illness and to fight with any infections and illness.


Ginger is also very famous when it comes to cook meals. Ginger is a wonder spice that can help in digestion problems, killing cancer cells, curing respiratory system and also in reducing high blood pressure.


Recipe of making GOLDEN MILK:

Mix 2 cups coconut oil, 1 tea spoon turmeric and a small piece of sliced ginger and cooks them on a medium heat for over 5 minutes then removes ginger and adds honey (optional) and stir the milk thoroughly. Drink is ready.

You can use it in early morning or at the time of sleeping to make your body energize.


Source: www.dietoflife.com/