Support Your Digestive System with Aloe Vera

The digestive system is the place where the absorption of nutrients takes place and its optimal functioning is crucial for our health. When it does not work 100 percent and when the gut is imbalanced, you may not get all the nutrients from the foods you eat, regardless of how healthy they are. This is where aloe vera can help. This superfood will nourish the whole body and encourage the removal of toxins and regulate the bowel movements.

The Ability of Aloe Vera to Better the Digestion

Believe it or not, aloe vera has more than 70 nutrients and some of them are copper, selenium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and sodium. It also possesses beta-carotene, folic acid, vitamin B12, and choline. This plant has 8 crucial enzymes and two of them are known to improve the digestion. One is amylase that breaks down carbs, sugars, and starches and the other is lipase which aids the fat digestion.

Furthermore, aloe vera will improve the gut environment by supporting the probiotics living there. Probiotics are living organisms which need nutrients known as prebiotics and aloe vera contains them. According to research, this plant is also capable of enhancing the pH balance in the body, which results in less irritation, swelling, and redness.

Two Forms of Aloe Vera


It can be purchased in health food stores and you should go with juice that is made solely from the inner aloe leaf. You should avoid the ones that offer whole-leaf variant because of the high level of aloin or aloe latex that can have a strong laxative effect.


Supplements in the form of capsules are also a viable option, but make sure you use 100 percent organic ones.