The Role of Vitamin B12 in Thyroid Health

Did you know that your health and your bodily functions depend on the nutrients you intake? A good nutrition is necessary for an optimal health and lack of specific nutrients can lead to deficiencies. The level of energy and metabolism are signs of wellness. In order to improve them, one needs to focus on the health of the thyroid gland and the intake of vitamin B12. This is because thyroid problems can lead to insufficient amounts of vitamin B12, which can further lead to insufficient energy.

The Role of the Thyroid Gland

This small and butterfly-shaped gland is located in the front of the neck and it is in charge of the synthesis of the thyroid hormones T3 and T4 and regulates the metabolism and heartbeat. When one is in need of an energy boost, the gland stimulates a higher production of thyroid hormone, for example, when you are cold. This results in a faster metabolism which produces more heat and elevates the temperature in the body. This being said, thyroid hormones influence the metabolic rate, which controls the burning of calories while one is resting.

The Role of Vitamin B12

This vitamin is crucial for metabolic and cellular processes because it is a catalyst of the production of red blood cells, synthesis of DNA, conversion of protein, health of the nerves, and neurological function.

Vitamin B12 from food is bound to proteins and when consumed, in the stomach, it divides from the proteins and it connects to the R protein from saliva that keeps it safe from the acidic surrounding. It passes through several areas like the small intestine, GI tract, etc. until it enters the liver, cells, and the bone marrow. The liver is known to store 90 percent of this vitamin.

Lack of it can be caused by improper diet or a poor absorption rate of the body. The latter can stem from organ damage or enzyme issues. The most common signs are tiredness, lower appetite, constipation, tingling sensation in the feet and hands, memory loss, depression, and sore tongue.

Groups at a Higher Risk

  • Elderly
  • People with a body that produces insufficient intrinsic factor
  • Vegans and vegetarians who do not get enough vitamin B12 from their diet
  • People who suffer from celiac, Crohn’s, or IBS
  • Alcoholics

The Link between Hypothyroidism and the Absorption of Vitamin B12

Hypothyroidism is closely linked to vitamin B12 deficiency, a study points out. When the participants were given adequate supplements, they experienced less weakness and better memory and mood.

Food Sources of Vitamin B12

  • Seafood
  • Meat
  • Dairy
  • Eggs
  • Fortified cereals
  • Nutritional yeast

Vitamin B12 Supplements

Vitamin B12 supplements are highly recommendable, especially for aging adults and people who are at a higher risk. Make sure to choose the quality supplements always.