These 9 Alkaline Foods Will Clean and Eliminate all Acids from Your Body

As many of you may know, the body needs to have a healthy and balanced pH in order to function properly and avert health-related issues. Unfortunately, as modern-day diets are often comprised of acidic foods and drinks which can cause a misbalance in the pH of the body, we decided to make a list with the 9 most potent alkaline foods that will help you restore the balance.

Treating High Acidity Naturally

High levels of acidity increase the risk of inflammation, accumulation of dangerous toxins, and a weak immunity. To treat this issue, we should balance the intake of acidic and alkaline foods adequately. Below, you can check the list with 9 such foods that you should definitely include to your daily diet.


This green veggie possesses diuretic characteristics and it is the ideal food for proper body hydration and cleansing. Moreover, it has the ability to remove surplus uric acid and avert uric acid crystallization.


A citrus fruit that can enhance the metabolism, balance the pH, and avert accumulation of surplus fat. What’s more, it has a low amount of sugar.


Abundant in folate and magnesium, cabbage will strengthen your immunity, bring an alkaline-acidic balance, and aid the digestive processes. The fibers which it contains are potent enough to minimize the risk of cancer and encourage healthy weight loss.

Plum tomato

As they are rich in vitamins A, C, and E, they are great for specific skin problems. They are also great allies in weight loss, bladder problems, and UTIs. This veggie also decreases significantly the risk of bladder cancer.


Basil is among the most powerful herbs because it is full of calcium, vitamins C and K, iron, and omega 3 fatty acids. It will assist in the body detoxification, lower the risk of kidney stones, and minimize the acid levels.


Their abundance in vitamin B, phytochemicals, and beta carotene will make the immune system stronger, trigger the creation of white cells, cleanse the whole body, eliminate surplus acids, and bring a balance in the pH.

Key lime

They have a high amount of vitamin C, which is great for a complete body detox, including the removal of acids and bad bacteria from the urinary tract.


Organic lemons are highly beneficial for a better digestion, an alkalized and clean body, and successful weight loss.


The fatty acids and nutrients in almonds will improve the quality of the hair and skin, enhance the brain function, assist in healthy weight loss, balance the cholesterol, and elevate the muscle mass.