These Are the 7 Things That Terrify Narcissists to Their Core

If you are wondering if narcissists are afraid of something, you should know that the answer is yes and they have several. In fact, there are 7 things that are the worst for them. If you happen to know some family member, a friend, or a romantic partner who is having these fears, you may be dealing with a narcissist. Check out the list below to know for sure!

Narcissists’ Biggest Fears

Being abandoned or rejected

This bothers them deeply and this is why you may notice them raging and threatening if you mention leaving them. When these people are being rejected, the false self they have created is being pushed away. This will negate their whole existence because they cannot access their real self (there is nothing there). The false-self depends on the attention and approval from others and when one abandones them, they are forced to confront their emptiness, which scares them deeply. So, they will do everything in their power to prevent this from happening.

Being ridiculed

These people have no sense of humor and may only laugh when a person falls down, when somebody else makes a mistake, and will always find it amusing when others are uncomfortable, especially if they are the reason for this. However, they are unable to laugh at their own expense because they take themselves too seriously and are overly sensitive. Again, this makes a narcissist face their emptiness, which is their biggest issue.

Being disrespected

Though no normal person likes being disdained, narcissists are obsessed with this and if they are shown disrespect in any way, no matter how small, they are again forced to face their true self. Hence, to avert this, they have a defense mechanism comprised of raging, silent treatment, lying, denial, fabricating lies, and false affection.

Being ignored

If you ignore a narcissist, they cannot get the needed ‘food’ and they will die a slow death. That is why they often prefer being hated than ignored. Though negative, attention is still attention and it is a sign that they exist. On the other hand, when they are not acknowledged, they feel as if they are dead.

Being exposed

If you mention their abusive behavior, they will become angry and begin to rage or give you the silent treatment. They dislike showing accountability for their acts. Although they are aware of their faults, this is at the subconscious level and the best way for them to cope with this is to project their imperfections onto others. They are masters of accusing others of doing things that they have done. They will tell you that YOU are the narcissist or the abuser.


As they age, narcissistic people become more and more abusive due to the fact that for them aging represents loss of career, looks, health, and in some situations even financial stability. These aspects allow them to feel valuable and admired. For example, somatic narcissists are obsessed with their physical look and health and they have no other valuable traits like friendship, love, etc. to rely to in old age so looks are pivotal to them; cerebral narcissists care about their intellectuality and business the most so they may experience an identity crisis when the time comes to retire or lower their working hours. To them, career and earnings are everything.


Narcissists are terrified of death because this means loss of narcissistic supply and d is death to the ego, which is detrimental to them because of their egocentric personality. Some of them may even become too religious thinking that they may ward off accountability after death.