What Is the Right Position to Sleep for Each of These Health Problems?

Considering the fact that an average human spends 25 years of his life asleep, and having in mind that sleep is a state in which our organism heals and recovers the most, it is very important not only to get enough sleep, but also to spend this time in the right position.

Sleeping in a specific position, can be a key element in getting rid of pain, or other problems. Below you’ll find a list of some issues and the positions to sleep in in order to help with them:

                Back Pain

For this issue, lay on your back and put a pillow under your knees, and a rolled-up towel under your tailbone, or a place that feels most comfortable.

                Sinus Issues

If you have a sinus infection, lay on your back with a few pillows under your head which will keep your head elevated and prevent the mucus from accumulating in the sinuses.

                Shoulder Pain

                               Sleep on the side that doesn’t hurt, with your legs curled and a pillow between them.                              Grasp another pillow to your chest.

                Heartburn and Digestive Issues

Lay on your left side, as this is the most natural position in which your stomach’s job is done with the help of gravity.


Sleep on your back with your head surrounded with pillows which will prevent you from turning and moving too much.

                Neck Pain

In order to relieve neck pain, sleep on your back with a rolled-up towel under your neck for additional support.

                PMS Pain

                               Lay on your back with your knees slightly elevated by a pillow.

                High Blood Pressure

Sleep with your face down and try keeping your hands next to your head, and not under the pillow. This position is proven to help with blood pressure issues, but you should also consult a doctor if the problems persist.

Source: https://healthandlovepage.com/right-position-to-sleep/?utm_source=TheHealthGuide&utm_medium=FacebookPage&utm_campaign=TheHealthGuide