Put Ice On This Point Two Times Daily And See Amazing Results!

Put ice on this point twice a day and see amazing results

Our greatest enemy is time. This is the reason why humanity’s greatest quest has been to find the Fountain of Youth. We’ve been searching for it, both metaphorically and not so metaphorically, for millennia, and so far, our search has been in vain.

In the modern era, there are branches of medicine and other sciences that devote their time, effort, and significant funds to researching chemicals; both natural and man-made, in order to find the perfect combination that extends our life. If not that, then at least it should make us look prettier.

So far, we’ve been losing the fight with time, and we’ve only achieved to ability to slightly hide the effects of aging by using various, chemical-filled products. However, we forgot that chemicals can fight back and cause more harm than good.

Chemicals found in beauty products can cause our skin harm in the long run, and some of them have even been linked with multiple types of cancer. These are not the only drastic measures we subject ourselves to just to appear younger; some people resort to plastic surgeries, and some switch to diets that include so little nutrients that they become dangerous to our health.

We also forgot about the simplest method, used centuries ago; the ice cube method. This treatment originates from the ancient Chinese medicine, and its purpose is to re-organize our chi or qi energy, bring us balance, and with it, youthfulness and longevity.

The whole method is simply based on placing an ice cube on the spot called Feng Fu, which the acupuncturists believe is the main health know in our body. The spot is located on the back of our head, just below our first vertebrae.

How to do the ice cube method:

Sit straight up, or rest on your stomach. Place one ice cube on the Feng Fu point. Keep the cube there for twenty minutes, securing it with some material, such as a headband, scarf, or whatever you have available. Even though the cold will cause an unpleasant feeling just as you put the ice cube, in the next minute you’ll feel an influx of heat to the Feng Fu point.

The most optimal times to apply the ice cube to your neck is in the morning and just before bed, in order to stimulate the production of endorphins that help you feel better through the day, and sleep better through the night. You should expect your entire body perk up in just a few sessions, as your physiological and psychological balance is restored. Within a few weeks, you’ll feel younger and healthier than ever.

What this routine offers in the long run is much more than just the rejuvenating factor. You can expect the following benefits too:

  • Improved sleep quality
  • Immune system boost
  • Thyroid disorder management
  • Relief for those who suffer from asthma
  • Menstrual pain and cramps betterment
  • Reduced symptoms of depression, tension, and anxiety
  • Improved digestion
