How I Healed My Diabetes With Ayurveda

It is estimated that more than 1,5 million people die every year as a direct consequence of diabetes. If you are one of the billion people suffering from this hormonal disorder, you know what a struggle it can be. The strict regimen that you must be under can be a major toll on your mind, as you need to take meals at certain times, take daily (or multiple a day) insulin injections, get plenty of rest, etc. It is a proper military-style life.

For those unaware what diabetes is, it is a hormonal disorder in which the body is unable to produce sufficient amounts of insulin. This leads to increased amounts of sugar in the blood stream, which can damage eyes, nerves, kidneys, and even the hearth, over time.

People suffering from Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, as well as from other rare types, are discovering Ayurveda in large numbers, and more and more of them are putting their trust into its ancient medical practices. Ayurveda uses natural ingredients and remedies, and it has been using them for thousands of years to treat a vast number of disorders and illnesses, including diabetes. Here are some of the remedies used for diabetes:

  1. Cinnamon powder

Raw cinnamon, or even cinnamon powder are able to mimic the effects that insulin has on our organism, as it improves the movement of glucose in the cells. Cinnamon also slows down the digestion process, therefore reducing the amount of blood sugar jumps after meals.

Use: add 3-4 tablespoons of cinnamon to a cup and a half of water. Boil for 20 minutes, then strain, and let it cool. Consume the tea daily for best results.

  • Jamun

Also known as Indian blackberry, jamun is one of the most commonly used plants in Ayurvedic practices. Its abundance in antioxidants, as well as presence of alkaloids and glycosides are responsible for slowing down the transformation of starch into sugar, which reduces the amount of sugar in our blood stream.

Use: add 1 teaspoon of jamun powder to lukewarm water and consume daily.

  • Amla

Another highly potent herb, amla is rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, chromium, and other minerals that all contribute to blood sugar level regulation. Due to the amount of chromium present in amla, our organism responds to insulin better, which means even smaller doses of insulin are enough to keep the blood sugar levels at bay.

Use: consume a glass of amla juice two times a day, or eat the raw fruit.

  • Methi seeds

Fenugreek, or methi seeds, contain fiber which is highly effective in slowing down the digestion process. The seeds also slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and sugar and reduce glucose levels.

Use: soak 3 tablespoons of methi seeds in glass of water overnight. Crush the seeds in the morning, then return them to the glass and strain. Consume the potion every day for 3 months.

  • Bay leaf and aloe vera

Bay leaves and aloe vera both contain high amounts of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, as well as multiple vitamins. Due to the amount of minerals and vitamins, as well as essential oils, bay leaves and aloe vera improve the insulin metabolism and lower our blood sugar levels.

Use: ½ tablespoon of ground bay leaf, 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel, and ½ tablespoon of turmeric should be mixed and consumed twice a day, just before lunch and dinner.
