Photographer Captures a Unique Photo, Realizes It when He Comes Home

Often times, things that appear too good to be true happen in nature and it is these ideal coincidences that beautifully reveal the wonder of the world we live in. One such event happened in Costa Brava, North-East Spain when one flock of birds started to gather into a shape-shifting cloud or a phenomenon known as murmuration.

This phenomenon is an amazing spectacle and hundreds or thousands of bird are moving in a single-like organism that quickly changes into different shapes. Dainel Biber, a wildlife photography professional from Hilzingen, Germany was there with his camera when the murmuration happened.

Mostly likely, it was the response to a falcon or a hawk in proximity and it seemed as if the birds were getting together to defend themselves from the predator and show that they are stronger. He caught this beautiful phenomenon with his camera, but realized it only afterwards.

The Photos that Brought Biber Success

For these photos, Biber received a prize in a competition for international photography, but realized that he had made amazing captures later. When he came home and saw the photos on his computer, he was actually seeing the unique formations of the birds. He was so focused on taking photos that did not recognize that there was a giant-like bird in the sky.

Nonetheless, this is not the first time Biber has tried to capture this phenomenon. However, the photos never came out as he imagined them to be. He drove to the same spot every day for four days and found the ideal spot.

Check out some of the amazing shots Biber took below:
