Believe It Or Not, Crows Remember Faces And Hold Grudges

The next time you’re about to pick a fight with a crow, be careful-this bird, which is often seen everywhere causing a ruckus with their cawing, remembers faces of humans for years!

According to a British quiz account that shared this unusual trivia on Twitter, these birds don’t just remember humans and hold grudges, but also talk about them with the other crows.

In a way, a crow tells their family about you!

People on the internet were amazed by the trivia and shared moments when crows really turned out to remember human faces.

Crows-Hold Grudges & Remember People’s Faces

According to one user, when they left a crow family alone in their yard for 20 + generations, every year, the parent birds brought their fledglings to the yard to introduce them to the humans.

The birds left them their veggies and chased away other bird species! Amazing, right?

Another user wrote that one of her former roommates had a crow enemy without an idea about what she did wrong- the bird waited outside their house for her ‘enemy’. Spooky!

Indeed, crows are very intelligent- according to John Marzluff from Washington University who made the discovery after a study in 2012, humans and crows share the capacity to recognize faces and associate them with positive and negative emotions.

He explains that the brain areas in crows aren’t like those in mammals, including us.

The team found an organ in their brains which is like the amygdala in mammals. This is an area in the vertebrate brain where we store negative associations.

Although previous work was mostly focused on this area in humans, now birds are in the field study too.
