Experts Claim that the Moon of Jupiter Europa May Be the Home to Octopus-like Aliens!

For a lot of experts, alien life is real and it does exist in the solar system and one expert also believes that one of the moons of Jupiter is the home to aliens that are like octopus.

Europa, the moon of Jupiter, has long been the topic of speculation for the possibility life outside of our planet.

With a lot of icy cold water and rampant oxygen production, the research of this moon is one of the high priority missions of NASA as of 2013.

The chancellor of Liverpool Hope University, Monica Grady, actually suggests that the seas beneath the crust of the moon could be the home to a marine wildlife that’s very similar to octopuses.

Really, Octopus-like Aliens Live on Jupiter’s Moon?

Grady also thinks that in addition to Europa, there could also be life on Mars, even though it’s buried beneath the surface where it’s protected from the solar radiation.

When it comes to the prospects of life elsewhere, it’s a racing certainty that there’s life beneath the ice on Europa. Also, the life on Mars is probably under the planet’s surface.

There’s a chance of ice in the rocks’ pores that could also act as a source of water. Mars probably has tiny bacteria, claims Grady.

Last June, the Hubble Space Telescope saw sodium chloride on the surface of Europa. Below the frozen seawater exterior of the moon, likes a vast icy depth, speculated to be the breeding ground for life.

Grady explains that there’s always a chance that in our solar system, we’re the only intelligent life forms. But, if we’re the only ones, then we have a duty to keep our planet safe.

As long as there are no xenomorphs, we surely can’t be the sole life in this space, believes Grady.
