CEO Gives His Employees $2000 to Go on Vacation & Says They’re more Productive

Mark Douglas is a CEO of the SteelHouse, a marketing and advertising company which doesn’t give many options to his workers when it comes to vacations-there’s only one-they have to go.

They may either take a long vacation in one year or break it into shorter ones. Either way they opt for requires quality rest.

Unfortunately, a lot of workers can’t bring themselves to go to a vacation-many companies don’t give any vacation bonuses and we know that vacations are costly.

And, where vacation bonuses are released, a lot of people tend to put vacation last and use the money for something else.

But, in Douglas’s company, it’s a bit different-when they resist going to vacation and ask for the money in cash instead, he responds that he actually wants them to go somewhere and enjoy.

Don’t Let the $2000 to Go to Waste-Take Time for Yourself

When the company was launched back in 2010, the workers didn’t really like the idea of vacationing that much.

Douglas explains that when they began telling people that they have unlimited vacation, they didn’t even know how to interpret the situation.

By 2011, the company decided to make things easier for its employees and gave them a $2000 bonus for vacationing. They can choose any place in the world and use the money to relax and recover.

It’s one thing saying to your employees that they have a 3-week vacation and say you have money to spend for vacation.

The Company’s Ethics Is Based on Trust

Since the beginning, the company decided to implement important virtues like trust and honesty. Such liberties and amazing trust isn’t common in the corporate world.

Douglas is constantly encouraging his employees and wants to build mutual trust. He believes that people are happier when they’re treated like executives in the workplace. Vacations make people happier and people want to be treated with respect at their workplaces.

A good employer has the best interest for his employees at heart.

Vacations are pivotal for rejuvenating our mind, body, and soul and discover our sense of passion and drive and be more productive. It seems this is the boss of people’s dreams, don’t you agree?!
