8 Truths We Should Tell Our Daughters before they Adult

Children do grow quite fast and this is something most parents will definitely agree with.

Before we know it, our children are charming young ladies or boys who no longer need to carry around a schoolbag.

Now, they carry a suitcase with a laptop to head for work-they’re on the verge of adulthood!

At these moments, a lot of parents tend to regret not having enough time to tell them some of the most vital things they should know about life.

If you think you still have the ability to give your children the essential knowledge about life, here are some words we wish we heard from our parents when we were entering adults.

Let’s help our children become happy and kind adults!

8 Truths to Tell Your Daughter before She Adults

  1. Mistakes can be rewarding-no one can avoid making mistakes on the road to feeling happy. Don’t give up my girl; use them to make conclusions and to easier reach your goals in life. Make something out of them!

2. Ideal people don’t exist- it’s a human deception to think there are perfect people; we all fall for this and try to reach some kind of perfection in our lives. Whether it’s work, looks, etc. Instead, the key for happiness isn’t perfection, but rather accepting it doesn’t exist and rather focus on improvement from your previous version!

3. Have respect for yourself-don’t let other people’s opinions affect you negatively. Listen to what you want and need and make independent decisions about what you need and want.

4. First love isn’t necessarily your forever– although you may feel like this person is the one, as we grow; we may go separate ways with that someone. This is okay. Not all relationship work and last. Always use them to learn from them and never lose faith in love and finding the one for you.

5. Kindness is amazing- give the bully a sincere compliment and see that teasing boy transform.

6. Help when you have, but never give everything you have-99% of the people you meet in your life won’t appreciate your kindness and help. So, don’t give it all and choose for who you’ll do it.

7.See how he treats animals to get to know him-people with good and kind hearts love animals, they appreciate these gentle creatures! This means they have a big soul and a lot of love to give.

8. Don’t dismiss yourself right away-when you trust yourself and your instincts and judgment, you can become a better person. Ultimately, who knows better what you need than yourself?
