The Main Causes of Blood in the Stool + 5 Natural Cures

Seeing blood in the stool is always worrying. Sometimes, it may be nothing, but there are cases when it could indicate a more serious issue. One thing is for sure: you must never ignore it!

Medically known as hematochezia, blood in the stool is a signal that there’s bleeding happening in the digestive tract. Normally, the feces are a shade of brown, so seeing red or other colors is usually a sign of something abnormal happening.

Internal bleeding isn’t always the reason behind blood in the stool, but it can also indicate bleeding in the rectum. Below, check out the major causes of blood in the stool, as well as five natural ways to resolve it.

The Major Causes of Blood in the Stool

A bloody stool can happen in different places in the digestive system, all the way from the mouth to the anus. If the bleeding is from the upper region like the stomach or esophagus, the stool will be black or tarry, medically known as melena.

If the problem is from the small or large intestine, rectum, or anus, the stool will usually be maroon-colored or bright red. Tarry stool can be a result of:

  • A bleeding stomach ulcer
  • Abnormal blood vessels
  • Tear in the esophagus from vomiting
  • Cut off blood supply to some part of the intestines
  • Trauma
  • Gastritis
  • Overgrown veins in the stomach and esophagus

Bright red stool may be caused by:

  • Bowel ischemia
  • Anal fissures
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Abnormal blood vessels
  • Food poisoning
  • IBS
  • Colon or small intestine polyps
  • Trauma
  • Foreign body

Finding the reason behind the bleeding is pivotal. Your doctor may recommend conventional tests like blood work as well as several others like colonoscopy, barium studies, angiography, stool test, double-balloon enteroscopy, etc.

Five Natural Ways to Relieve Bloody Stool

  • In case of the bleeding being caused by a stomach ulcer, avoid the foods that cause it to inflame. Eat more fiber-rich foods including green leafy veggies, fermented foods like kimchi and coconut kefir.
  • If the bleeding is caused by gastritis, opt for licorice root. It can be consumed in supplement form. Consuming fennel regularly may also help alleviate the symptoms.
  • If the blood in the stool is caused by diverticulitis, bone broth is a great way to digest the needed nutrients easily and help the body heal and repair itself.
  • Crohn’s disease may also cause bloody stool. Slippery elm is an herb that’s highly recommended for reducing IBS.
  • In case of bloody stool due to ulcerative colitis, introduce foods to your diet that will calm down the digestive system and alleviate the symptoms. Some of the best foods are ones rich in probiotics and omega 3s.
