Top 8 Ways to Better the Blood Flow in the Feet

A healthy blood flow is pivotal for overall health. People with poor blood flow, especially in the feet, know how difficult it gets to have cold feet all the time.

Our body has around 60,000 miles of blood vessels. And, together with the heart and other muscles, they’re part of the circulatory system.

This system carries blood to every part of our body. When a person’s blood flow isn’t optimal, it will slow down or block the blood flow. This causes a deficiency of oxygen and nutrients in the cells.

Symptoms of Poor Blood Flow

A person with poor blood flow doesn’t get sufficient blood to their limbs and their feet and hands feel cold or numb most of the time. People with lighter skin may have a blue tinge in their feet if their circulation is poor.

Other symptoms are hair loss, dry skin, brittle nails, etc. In extreme cases, it may lead to the inability to have an erection in men. Below, check out eight great tips to boost blood flow and improve your health.

8 Ways to Boost the Blood Flow

Quit smoking

Nicotine is an active ingredient in tobacco. It’s damaging to the arterial walls and causes thicker blood which ends up reducing the proper blood flow. This is why smokers are advised to quit.

Although it’s not an easy process, there are methods you can try out. Consult your physician for more tips on quitting smoking.

Manage the blood pressure

High and uncontrolled blood pressure can contribute to atherosclerosis, a condition that causes the arteries to harden and prevent proper blood flow.

This is why keeping the blood pressure under control is normal. The ideal is 120/80. Make sure you check the levels at least once per month or more if necessary.

In case of higher or lower blood pressure, consult your physician for treatment.

Stay hydrated

Did you know that blood is around half water? This is why it’s pivotal to drink enough water so that the blood flow is optimal.

You need to opt for eight or more glasses per day if you’re physically active or if the temperatures outside are higher.

Try a standing desk

Spending time in a sitting position while working isn’t very good for the back and blood flow. It will also make the leg muscles weaker and reduce the blood flow in the limbs, which may further increase the risk of blood clots.

This is where a standing desk can be of aid. It may require some adjustments, but this will help a lot to your veins in the legs and better the overall blood flow.

Do some yoga

Yoga incorporates low-impact workouts that are beneficial for blood flow. These movements are designed to boost the blood flow and deliver oxygen throughout the whole body.

When you do the poses, the blood flow is boosted. The inversion poses are great for transferring some blood flow from the bottom part to the brain and heart.

Legs up the wall

Not a fan of yoga? No worries. You can always try the legs-up-the-wall pose when the ankles feel swollen or painful. Lie on an exercise mat, with one of the shoulders parallel to the floor. Now, turn the body up so that you can put up the legs and scooch the bottom against the wall.

Set your arms out on the floor with the palms down for optimal balance. Stay in the pose for several minutes and remember to do it regularly.

Be physically active

Try running, biking, walking, swimming, or regular exercise so that you can take in more oxygen and supply the muscles with it. This will help the blood pump, the heart will be stronger, and your blood pressure lower.

Try to be physically active at least for half an hour, five to seven days per week.

Try compression socks

Compression socks squeeze the legs enough to prevent the blood from staying there too long. It will go back to the heart. But, always consult your physician for the best type of compression socks for you.
