10 Best Houseplants for Your Kitchen to Thrive

Adding colorful house plants is an amazing way to bring more style and freshness to your home, and in every part of it, including the kitchen. We spent a lot of time there, prepping meals and eating, so why not make it as lovelier as possible!

Plants don’t just decorate our homes and rooms, but also help us breathe cleaner air, elevate the humidity, and better our overall health.

If you’re looking to spruce up your kitchen with lovely plants, but you’re unsure which ones are the best, check out the list below!

10 Best Plants for Your Kitchen

  1. Herbs

Mint, basil, parsley, rosemary, and oregano are amazing choices for your kitchen. They bring green vibes and are also edible and can be easily added to the meals as you prep them. 

They’re easy to grow and boost a wonderful smell; feel free to grow them in medium or small pots and your kitchen will love it!

  1. Aloe vera

This easy-to-care-for and healing plant is awesome for the kitchen. 

It contains vitamins and antioxidants that help keep the skin healthy and the aloe vera gel comes in handy when you burn yourself accidentally while baking or if you cut yourself while prepping food. 

Pluck one lower leaf and cut it in half-apply the gel from it onto the area for quick relief.

  1. Spider plant

This plant is great for kitchens-it brings green vibes, it’s easy to grow, and looks pretty in hanging baskets. 

Hanging baskets are a great choice for smaller kitchens and you can also hang them near windows where they’ll benefit from the natural light.

  1. White jasmine

This plant boasts lovely flowers and a beautiful scent that will ensure the kitchen always smells nice. 

It will grow best in the indirect, bright area of the kitchen, and expect stunning blooms in winter. 

  1. Chinese money plant

This plant looks interesting and it’s easy to care for. 

It’s becoming more and more popular in kitchens due to its love for warm and sunny areas. Place it where it will get indirect, yet bright light-your brightest kitchen windowsill would be ideal. 

  1. Snake plant

The mother-in-law’s tongue is a stunning succulent with tall and lance-shaped foliage that will bring a new vibe to the kitchen. 

It will clean the air and convert CO2 into O2 during the night. 

If you choose it as a plant for your kitchen, make sure it’s out of reach for children and pets because it’s toxic upon consumption.

  1. Pothos 

Pothos or devil’s ivy is a wonderful houseplant, especially for kitchens, because it’s so grateful and easy to grow. 

It loves indirect light and won’t mind the darker light too. You can grow it in hanging baskets and bring that rustic vibe to your kitchen!

  1. String of pearls

This cascading succulent with pearl-like growths will make any kitchen glow. 

It’s best when grown in hanging baskets or placed on top of shelves or higher shelves in the kitchen. It looks pretty and will appreciate the warmth of your kitchen!

  1. Goldfish

This small plant got its name from the orange, goldfish-shaped flowers that blossom in mid-winter.

It’s great if you want a splash of color in your kitchen, especially during the grey days in winter. 

It will do just fine in partial sunlight and since it’s quite compact, it can beautify your countertop without taking up too much space.

  1. Cast iron

This hardy houseplant can really live through anything, including extreme temperature changes, differences in humidity, low water, and low light. 

It will grow pretty tall so it’s best for kitchen floors, especially those empty corners that need to be filled up. 
