How to Use Lemon, Honey, and Garlic Natural Tonic for Stronger Immunity

This lemon, garlic, and honey drink is an awesome natural tonic for stronger immunity. It’s perfect for people looking to naturally strengthen their immunity, whether after the flu or a cold or after therapy with antibiotics. 

The combination of honey, lemon, and garlic makes a potent DIY drink for an immunity boost that helps the immune system function better and fight off pathogens and bacteria, and yeast, more efficiently. 

Easy to make and full of healing properties, this natural tonic deserves to be part of your regular diet!

DIY Natural Tonic with Lemon, Honey & Garlic 

You will need:

Organic honey, a tbsp

One lemon

One to two cloves of garlic 

⅛ tsp of cayenne pepper


Rinse and then cut the lemon in halves. In a small pot, squeeze the lemon from one half. 

Put the other half aside. Chop the garlic and leave it for 10 minutes before you add it to the lemon juice with the cayenne pepper.

Combine all of the ingredients and add the honey. Mix and transfer into a glass. Decorate with the other lemon half.

Consume the drink on an empty belly in the morning or before going to bed (2 tsp for prevention, three to four if you’re dealing with a cold or the flu).

Why This Drink Deserves all the Praise?

  • Rich in antibacterial properties
  • Natural, without artificial ingredients, and easy to make
  • Abundant in nutrients
  • Honey soothes sore throat and suppresses the cold faster
  • Lemon is rich in vitamin C and bioflavonoids, pivotal for the treatment of colds and the flu 
  • It will improve your gut health and better the digestive processes
  • Garlic is great for the gut balance and prevents gut microbiome damage 
  • Garlic has antifungal characteristics too 
