5 Delicious Foods that Help Alleviate Symptoms of Depression

In modern psychiatry, mental health problems are often treated with prescribed meds. However, these meds, on their own, often can’t resolve all the nutritional deficiencies that also play a crucial role in mood and mental disorders.

In fact, according to a randomized and controlled trial from 2017, nutritional counseling for a period of 12 weeks improved the fight against depression. 

For plenty of people, a healthy diet helps them alleviate a lot of depression symptoms and actually has fewer side effects than it’s the case with OTCs. 

If you struggle with depression or know someone with it, these five foods may be able to help!

5 Foods to Consume & Alleviate Depression Symptoms

  1. Fatty fish

According to studies, omega 3s are pivotal for optimal brain function. 

And, fatty fish like mackerel, sardines, and salmon are abundant in them. Insufficient amounts of DHA, a fatty acid, have been associated with lower production of dopamine and serotonin. 

Lack of lipids in the brain is also associated with depression, anxiety, and aggression. You can get these acids from other foods besides fish, including flaxseed, chia seeds, walnuts, and olive oil.

  1. Beans

Beans contain fiber and are beneficial for the gut and the reduction of inflammation. Moreover, fiber is also beneficial for the regulation of blood sugar levels. 

When choosing carbs, always opt for the unrefined options from beans, legumes, berries, avocados, etc. 

Avoid refined carbs since they’ve been associated with a higher risk of depression

  1. Leafy greens

Spinach, kale, lettuce, collard greens, etc. are abundant in antioxidants which play a major role in reducing the damage caused by free radicals. 

These molecules have been associated with chronic health issues, aging, and DNA damage. Consuming foods abundant in antioxidants may therefore help relieve the symptoms of major depressive disorder. 

You can also acquire antioxidants from other foods like peppers, almonds, hazelnuts, pumpkin, peanuts, etc.

  1. Veggies with allium 

These veggies like garlic and onion possess anti-inflammatory and antidepressant properties. 

They’re also beneficial for better overall mental and gastrointestinal health. 

In addition to garlic and onion, other veggies which contain this compound are shallots, leeks, and chives.

  1. Lean beef

Though usually associated with healthy muscles, an increased intake of protein is also helpful in the reduction of depression symptoms. 

In fact, there are some studies suggesting that protein plays a pivotal role in optimal brain health. 

Animal proteins are rich in vitamin B12 which is a crucial vitamin for brain function and memory. This may have to do with the functionality of this vitamin in DNA synthesis and the production of energy in the body. 

Add lean beef to your diet to get that vitamin, as well as eggs and dairy.
