Revealing Symptoms of Teen Depression & How to Turn Things Around

Depression among teens is a serious mental health issue that causes ongoing sadness and loss of interest in activities. 

It influences the teen’s thoughts, feelings, and attitude, but it can also trigger physical, functional, and emotional issues.

Though depression may happen at any period in life, the symptoms may differ among teens and adults.

Teen depression isn’t considered a weakness or something that willpower is able to overcome. If not treated, it can have negative, severe consequences. 

Counseling and medication therapy usually help relieve the symptoms. The period of adolescence is a period of big changes that may confuse both the teens and their families and friends.

Some of the symptoms of depression are similar to changes that are normal in adolescence like sleep changes, moody behavior, and easy irritability. 

The Revealing Signs of Teen Depression

  1. Appetite changes

Dramatic increase or drop in appetite, changes in body weight.

  1. Low energy

Playing and moving less, hard to get them to the car, to the dinner table, and out of the bed in the morning.

  1. Sleep changes

Sleeping more or not sleeping enough; trouble falling asleep and maintaining a good sleeping schedule. 

  1. Frequent crying

The teen is constantly crying or is easily bursting into tears.

  1. Changes in focus

Lack of concentration, difficulty finishing homework, unable to stay focused in school classes, etc.

  1. Hopelessness

The teen is feeling hopeless and disappointed. 

It can be challenging to make a difference between the changes happening in the teen period and teen depression. 

This is why parents need to discuss it with their children and determine if they seem able of managing their emotions or if life has somehow become too much for them.

If the symptoms are persistent and interfere with the teen’s normal functioning and life or if you worry about suicide, talking with a mental health professional is crucial.

The symptoms don’t go away on their own or may even worsen if left untreated. 

Never wait for too long to ask for help because this may be too late.
