The 10 Best, Long-Forgotten Native American Herbal Cures for Various Diseases

When talking about herbal remedies, many of us know that Echinacea is very beneficial or that the purple cone flower has antibiotic properties. 

However, there’s so much more to herbal remedies and natural healing than only a few popular herbs. If there’s knowledge to gather from somewhere, it’s definitely from the insights of Native Americans.

Using herbal remedies and other alternative healing methods was the most modern thing during ancient times. They approached treatments holistically and relied mostly on plants and their healing properties since they had no artificial medications.

Plenty of them were indigenous plants, trees, flowers, and fruits from North America. The tribes used them for a long list of health issues. And, many of them can be used today to alleviate the same health issues.

It’s not entirely known how they discovered which plant has which healing property, but trial and error was probably one of their methods.

Some say that they gave plants to ill animals and saw how they reacted. Many effects of these plants since ancient times have been proven in modern studies. 

They gave these remedies through pastes or teas, either ingested or applied topically. Sometimes, they would eat them or add them to water and other drinks. They also made poultices and salves. 

Below, learn about 10 long-forgotten Native American natural remedies. 

The 10 Best Native American Herbal Cures for Different Diseases

  1. Aloe vera

The gel from inside their thick leaves can be used to alleviate insect bites, burns, and wounds when applied topically.

  1. Bee pollen

When combined with food, it’s said that bee pollen increases energy, improves digestion, and strengthens immunity. 

However, be careful with it especially if you’re allergic to bee stings, you’re probably allergic to bee pollen as well!

  1. Beeswax

Often used as a salve for insect bites and burns, beeswax has amazing properties when applied topically in terms of healing and reducing infections. 

  1. Alfalfa 

This plant is praised for its ability to strengthen immunity, alleviate bladder and kidney infections, strengthen the bones, and reduce arthritis symptoms.

  1. Aspen

Xylem’s inner bark is often used in tea form to relieve fever, pain, and coughing. 

It has salicin that’s present in willow trees and it’s one of the ingredients in the medication aspirin.

  1. Buckwheat 

Buckwheat seeds are often added to porridges and soups. 

They’re praised for their ability to reduce blood pressure, alleviate blood clots, and reduce diarrhea. 

  1. Chamomile

Chamomile leaves and flowers are used in tea form and often consumed to reduce nausea and intestinal troubles.

  1. Ginger root

This plant was either crushed and consumed with food or used to prep tea, salves, and poultices. 

It’s popular still, especially for better digestive health. 

It also possesses anti-inflammatory properties and improves blood flow and reduces coughs and colds. 

  1. Passionflower

Its roots and leaves are used in the making of tea which is said to alleviate anxiousness and muscle ache. 

Moreover, it can be added to poultice and applied topically to injuries like insect bites and burns. 

  1. Sage

Sage is praised for its insect-repelling properties, as well as for its capacity to help in the treatment of digestive disorders, sore throat, and other cold symptoms.
