The Parasite Cleanse & Diet: Everything You Should Know

Parasite cleanse is a dietary or supplement regimen that’s intended to cleanse the body and encourage the removal of parasitic infections. The aim is to achieve this without using prescribed meds.

But, the research on whether this is actually an effective parasite cleanse is scarce, so it’s always best to consult your physician. Parasites are organisms that infect other living beings’ bodies and survive off their hosts.

Though parasites don’t cause symptoms in some individuals, in others, they can lead to severe diseases. 

A parasitic infection happens when the parasites grow and reproduce and start to attack organs and systems in the body, resulting in illness. 

How Do We Get Infected with Parasites?

A high percentage of people in the US carry parasites and many of them are unaware until symptoms appear.

They’re mostly acquired through contaminated food or water. Those with an imbalance in their gut flora or people with a leaky gut and a weaker immunity tend to be more prone.

Parasites may also spread through bites of sand flies or mosquitoes or enter the human body through contact with infected pigs and cows.

Pork consumption is one of the ways to get infected with parasites, particularly if it hasn’t been cooked enough or is consumed raw.

Pork tends to carry worms and parasites as a result of the poor conditions in which pigs are raised. Moreover, meat and seafood can also transfer a long list of harmful organisms, including crab, shellfish, and beef. 

Traveling internationally also elevates the risk of a parasitic infection. It can be caught by drinking the local water or consuming infected food.

What Is the Parasite Cleanse Diet?

The parasite-cleanse diet includes several elements, like avoiding specific foods and adding other ones, as well as herbs and spices. You should reduce the intake of processed and refined foods and increase the consumption of foods rich in nutrients like fiber.

This helps regulate bowel movements while cleansing. A nutritious diet with the right ingredients during a parasitic cleanse helps strengthen your immune system. This encourages the removal of the parasite. 

In combo with the right probiotics, the body will also be protected from other infestations. 

Other recommendable foods to include are pumpkin seeds, papaya seeds, honey, and garlic. They’re praised as antiparasitic foods. Avoid consuming raw or undercooked seafood and meat. 

On international travels, stay away from unbottled water, ice, fruits that can’t be peeled, street food, swimming in freshwater, etc.

  • Useful parasite-cleanse supplements- wormwood, oregano oil, black walnut, grapefruit seed extract, clove oil, probiotics, anise, mint, barberry, berberine, mint, and goldthread.
  • Do it for a period of two weeks and then pause for a week before continuing the cleanse for two more weeks.
  • Limit the intake of fruit and artificial sugar; the diet should be free of sugar and grains, similar to a Paleo diet. Consume big salads for meals and choose organic meat, well-prepared and cooked.
  • Add herbs like oregano and ginger because they have antiparasitic and antibacterial properties.
  • Consume the juice of papayas and pineapples and make sure you add coconut oil to your diet because it has antimicrobial and antibacterial characteristics.
  • Consume foods rich in probiotics like sauerkraut, yogurt, and kefir. They will help optimize your gut health.
  • Consume fresh veggies because they’re rich in fiber and this won’t just heal the gut from the infection, but better the bowel movement regularity. 

When on a parasitic cleanse diet, avoid the following foods, at least for a certain period, until you feel better:

  • Processed and frozen foods (they can be difficult to break down and aren’t supportive of your immunity)
  • Alcoholic drinks (mess up the functioning of the immunity)
  • Wheat (a lot of grains, particularly the ones with gluten, may break down into sugar fast and contribute to inflammation in the intestines)
  • Excessive intake of sugar (artificial and from fruits)
