10 Human Foods that can Harm (& even Kill!) Your Beloved Dog or Cat

Pet owners know it very well: it’s hard to resist their pets’ big brown eyes and cute grim, especially when there’s food around.

So, many of us reward our pets with a bite or two from the food on our table. 

However, is every human food safe for your dog or cat?- Not all of them. 

In fact, many human foods must never be given to pets. This is because the foods or drinks contain certain ingredients that threaten the animal’s well-being. 

So, the next time before you reach your plate to give a bite or two to your pet, consider if the food you’re giving them is on the list below!

10 Human Foods that Dogs & Cats Must Not Eat

  1. Avocados

This fruit may provide us with amazing health benefits; however, the same doesn’t apply to your pet. 

Namely, avocados contain persin, a substance that can cause poisoning, vomiting, and diarrhea in animals. 

Moreover, avocados may cause a fluid accumulation in the chest and lungs, resulting in difficulty breathing and oxygen deprivation.

  1. Chocolate

Chocolate is one of the most common reasons for pet poisoning, especially during the holiday season. 

Chocolate contains theobromine which is toxic to dogs. The darker the chocolate, the more theobromine it has. Moreover, some chocolates also have caffeine and sugar-free options may contain xylitol. Both are toxic to dogs and cats. 

Unlike humans, dogs and cats can’t metabolize chocolate. Symptoms of chocolate toxicity in animals are vomiting, diarrhea, pancreatitis, hyperactivity, seizures, etc. 

  1. Mushrooms

Believe it or not, mushrooms contain certain compounds that can be toxic for animals. The washed and white mushrooms from grocery stores may be alright; however, it’s safer to opt for another treat. 

Mushrooms may cause toxicity and trigger symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, kidney and liver failure, etc.

  1. Nutmeg & cinnamon

Never give your dog or cat these two spices. 

They may cause hallucinations and vomiting. 

This is because of myristicin, a compound in nutmeg which can cause toxicity if consumed in high doses or if a small dog eats it. Avoid giving them foods with cinnamon too because it may cause mouth irritation and low blood sugar in the animal.

  1. Garlic, onion, chives, and leek 

Plants from the Allium family aren’t safe for your furry friends. 

This is because they contain sulfoxides and disulfides that can damage the red blood cells and lead to anemia, which can be potentially fatal. 

Although these plants are dangerous for all dogs and cats, breeds like Shiba Inu and Akita are particularly sensitive to them.

  1. Xylitol 

This artificial sweetener is present in sugar-free gums and candies. But, it can cause a quick drop in blood sugar if consumed by pets. 

If consumed excessively, it can even lead to liver failure. The amount of this sweetener in only five pieces of gum has the power to kill a 65-pound dog!

  1. Milk and dairy

Although some dogs consume milk or dairy without any problem, in others, it may cause diarrhea and gas, especially if they’re allergic to it or intolerant to lactose. 

Avoid giving your dogs and cats human ice cream due to the high amount of fat, sugar, and lactose in it. If they want cheese, give them lower-fat options in smaller amounts.

  1. Caffeine and coffee grounds

Caffeine has methylxanthines that can lead to diarrhea, vomiting, and seizures in dogs and cats. 

Their heart rate may go up and if consumed in excessive amounts, the caffeine may cause them to experience seizures, tremors, and arrhythmia. 

  1. Fruits with seeds like apples, apricots, and cherries

Though the fleshy part of these fruits is safe for animal consumption, the core and the seeds aren’t. 

The apple seeds have cyanide and although they’re not problematic in smaller amounts, it’s best that they’re avoided. 

  1. Alcohol

Dogs and cats must never be given alcohol. This can have a disastrous effect on their health. 

Alcohol-related poisoning in animals manifests through vomiting, difficulty breathing, coma, and in serious cases, even death!
