Couple Discovers They Are Distant Relatives after a DNA Test: The Wife Wants Divorce

What would you do if you found out that your significant other is your cousin, a distant one?!-You will probably be shocked, same as this woman!

Earlier, in 2021, one husband found out that his wife wanted a divorce because of what the results of the DNA tests they took showed. 

At first, he thought she was overreacting, but she was dead serious. The couple underwent a DNA test to check on their family history but little did they know they would be talking about divorce.

What the results revealed caused a major problem in the couple’s lives and that of their family and friends. 

Couple Finds Out They Are Distant Relatives on a DNA Test

The findings of the DNA tests showed that the husband and wife are distant relatives. The wife freaked out since they have three kids together and already built a life together.

The woman, when she found out the news, went into the bathroom and started to vomit. She felt like her entire life was a lie. She was unable to understand how this was possible.

Her husband tried to calm her down and told her that it doesn’t matter because they were only distant relatives. He regretted that they took the test and just wanted everything to go back to as it was.

But, the damage was done. 

The woman’s parents, friends, siblings, and co-workers all tried to talk with her and help her out, but she couldn’t think of anything else. She felt distressed that she was intimate with a relative and that they also married and have kids together. 

Friend of the Couple Turns to Reddit Community for Help

A friend of the couple asked his Reddit community for help. He invited them to share their opinion about a potential solution he could say to his friends. 

He told the community that the wife often listens to his advice. But, this time, he didn’t know how to approach the situation because it was a pretty unusual one. 

One of the users wrote that if they’re 6th cousins, their most recent ancestor is seven generations back. In other words, the couple doesn’t share a grandpa, but a great-great-great-great-great grandpa.

Most individuals don’t trace their families that far back and she believes the woman is getting hung up on the language. They’re only distant relatives who share a distant common ancestor. This ancestor probably lived in the 1700s. 

The person also wrote that the couple probably doesn’t share any DNA because 5th cousins share 0.05% on average.

Many other Reddit users also agreed with this user’s opinion.

Another one elaborated that facts aren’t important for the wife anymore because she’s convinced of a certain truth. 

Nothing will probably change her mind. She will need therapy to discuss how she feels and eventually, she will come around and realize that there’s nothing to worry about. 

From a scientific point of view, all of us have some common ancestors, if we go way back. However, how far back should this be so that it doesn’t pose a problem?

What’s your opinion and what do you think: do you support this woman’s behavior and her talk about divorce?
