Epsom Salt Bath & Foot Soak: Health Benefits & How to Prepare It

Epsom salt is a popular cure for painful muscles and stress. Epsom foot soaks have long been used to resolve food-related pains. 

Epsom salt is a natural compound that has magnesium sulfate and a crystalized structure.

For hundreds of years, humans have used it to alleviate different health issues, including pain. But, the research on these claims is limited.

In theory, it’s suggested that soaking the feet in an Epsom salt bath will enrich the body with magnesium, which may alleviate foot problems.

There are certain smaller-scale studies supporting these claims; however, more data is necessary to confirm how well and how exactly Epsom salt baths help. 

What Are the Proposed Health Benefits of Epsom Foot Soaks?

  • Alleviates inflammation

Epsom salt foot soaks are praised for their ability to eliminate toxins from the body. 

The absorption of magnesium through the skin may elevate this mineral’s amount in the body and lower inflammation associated with pain and stiffness. 

This may be of aid with conditions like arthritis. 

  • Reduces athlete’s foot symptoms

Epsom salt doesn’t destroy the fungus causing this condition. 

But it may help pull out the moisture which is associated with the promotion of fungus.

  • Skin exfoliation

Epsom salt’s crystalized structure is great for the exfoliation of dead skin cells. 

Soaking the feet in this soak may help lower roughness and promote softer skin.

  • Decreases unpleasant odor

Foot soaks, of any type, may be of aid in decreasing unpleasant odor and help clean the feet on a deeper level. 

This is pivotal for preventing bacteria and fungus from thriving and improving the overall health of your feet.

The Best Epsom Salt Foot Soak Recipe

To alleviate sore feet, make sure the water is in a 92 degrees F and 100 degrees F range. 

In a basin with water, add half or three-quarters of a cup of Epsom salt. Put your feet in the soak and relax for 20 minutes. 

Dry the feet well and then moisturize them. Soak the feet once or twice per week. Don’t overdo it because it may cause the feet to become too dry.
