Unforgettable: British Couple Left in Awe after Keanu Reeves Crashed their Wedding

Keanu Reeves keeps on giving.

He recently left one couple from Britain in awe when he showed up at their wedding on a Monday in Northamptonshire.

Reeves, the “crush” of the bride, made a name for himself as a celebrity wedding crasher by pulling this stunt twice.

The 57-year-old iconic actor met customer sales rep James Roadnight and Nikki who works with dogs on their big day since he was staying at the four-star hotel they own.

When James met him, he was at the bar.

Keanu Reeves’s Wedding Crashing “Habits” 

Back in 2018, August, Keanu photobombed couple Maura and Moray as he stumped across them on the sidewalk after their ceremony in New York. 

Later, in September that year, Reeves showed up at the three-star Dream Inn in Santa Cruz, California, and surprised bride Leslie and her husband-to-be Jarrod, whose mother Darlette is a big fan.

Darlette said that having Reeves there was the icing on the top of the cake. She couldn’t believe it was him right there.

She adds that he was so sweet and nice. He was in his motorcycle gear and had a drink and a coffee whenever they interrupted him. 

Nikki and James’ reception was also a day to remember. The Matrix iconic star arrived at the celebration shortly after the couple’s “I’do’s” after the groom bumped into the actor at the bar. 

Formula 1 fan Keanu is thought to have stayed at the luxurious hotel while working on a documentary about the racing league by Disney+.

James Invites Reeves to Their Wedding 

Nikki explains that James saw Reeves at the bar and told him he had just gotten married. He invited him to come and say hi and share a drink or two with them. Reeves responded in a very friendly manner and said he would come later on. 

They weren’t sure if he would really come, but it was cool that James was able to talk to him. 

The guests were amazed when Reeves took the newly-married couple on their offer and made their day even more special. He congratulated them on their wedding and took photos of the couple. 

He also spoke to some of the guests and participated in other photos. Reeves is Nikki’s favorite movie star. So, if she could’ve chosen to meet some celebrity, it would be him. 

Having him on her wedding day was out of this world. James knew that his wife would love to meet Reeves so he decided to approach him at the bar. 

The Fox and Hounds pub in Charwelton was stunned after Reeves paid them a visit, ate a vegetarian Caesar salad, and falafel, and drank several double whiskies. He mingled with the guests and took photos with the owners, staff, and guests.
