Proven Home Remedies for Vaginal Dryness & the Best Natural Lubes

Vaginal atrophy is the medical term for dryness, thinner vaginal walls, and inflammation. Although there are plenty of OTC treatments for this health problem, some people prefer natural options. 

And, the good news is that there are helpful and effective lifestyle changes that you can implement and alleviate the symptoms.

Vaginal atrophy may happen at any age, even though one of the causes is lowered estrogen production of the ovaries in menopause.

This hormone is essential for female sexual development and regular menstruation. It also promotes healthy skin and bones and offers support to other bodily tissues.

Estrogen may also influence mood and brain activity. Women who are in premenopause and have other medical conditions may experience a drop in estrogen levels and consequently, develop vaginal atrophy.

Other contributing factors are contraceptives like the combined pill or contraceptive injection, insufficient arousal prior to intercourse leading to low production of natural lubricant, childbirth, breastfeeding, chemotherapy, diabetes, Sjogren’s syndrome, etc.

What Are the Natural Treatments for Vaginal Atrophy?

  • Stop smoking

Smoking lowers the levels of estrogen and elevates the risk of vaginal atrophy as well as osteoporosis.

  • Maintain sexual activity

Regular sexual activity boosts the blood flow to the genitalia and betters vaginal health.

  • Don’t use scented products

Avoid scented soaps, deodorants, and powders, as well as perfumed lubricants and spermicides. They can irritate the vagina and increase dryness.

  • Work out regularly

Regular exercise and physical activity contribute to a hormonal balance.

  • Boost your hydration

Maintain the body optimally hydrated to keep the moisture levels satisfactory.

  • Try natural lubricants

Some natural lubricants like jojoba, coconut oil, aloe vera, and vitamin E suppositories may lubricate the genital area and soothe it. 

  • Supplements like probiotics 

Probiotics are bacteria that have a positive influence on our health. 

In one research with 87 women, probiotics were found to alleviate vaginal atrophy symptoms. 

Probiotics may also help women with vaginal atrophy experiencing urinary problems. 

What Are the OTC Treatments for Vaginal Atrophy?

In addition to natural ways to relieve vaginal dryness, there are also OTC treatments available. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • Water-based vaginal moisturizers 
  • Glycerine-free, water-based lubricants 
  • Topical estrogen cream 
  • Oral estrogen
  • A ring that releases estrogen 
  • A systemic estrogen therapy delivered through a skin patch
