Sediment in Your Urine: Here Is What It Really Means

Your urine should look clear and not foggy, although its color may vary. Particles or sediment in the urine could be the reason for its cloudiness. 

Sediment in urine can sometimes only be shown through a clinical test called a urinalysis. The sediment usually contains several cells, debris from the UT, mucus, and microscopic particles.

Healthy urine will have a small amount of sediment which is invisible. It may contain protein, blood and skin cells, amorphous crystals, and small tissues. 

The sediment is worrisome when there’s a lot of it, it contains a lot of cells, or when it has some crystals.

What Are the Causes of Sediment in the Urine?

Several conditions can result in urine sediment. Finding the cause and treating it is important to prevent sediment.

Here are some of the major reasons:

  • Stones in the bladder

When the minerals in urine crystalize, they create masses or what we call stones. 

They happen when our bladder isn’t emptied out entirely so the urine which remains is crystallized. 

The small stones can be removed without any intervention necessary; however, the bigger ones may require surgery. 

The signs of bladder stones are difficulty urinating, lower belly ache, bloody urine, and cloudy urine. 

  • Yeast infection

Candida overgrowth or a yeast infection of the vulva may cause urine sediment. 

This infection causes symptoms like difficulty urinating, particles in the urine, discharge, and an itchy and burning sensation in the vulva. 

Although it naturally lives there, too much yeast can trigger an infection.

  • Dehydration 

When we’re dehydrated, we can experience several problems, including problems with urine. Dehydration happens when we lose more fluid than the one we intake. 

This is a result of sweating and not drinking sufficient liquid or when we’re suffering from fever, excessive urination, or a disease. 

People should opt for between eight and ten glasses of water per day for optimal hydration. 

This amount varies depending on the climate where you live and how physically active you are. 

  • Hematuria 

Hematuria is a term used to describe blood in the urine. Several causes are possible, including infection, meds, kidney illness, body trauma, kidney stones, continuous use of a catheter, kidney cancer, etc. 

The urine may seem brown, pink, or red or you may notice bloody spots. Sometimes, the blood can’t be seen with the naked eye and it’s only detected through a lab test.

  • Acute cystitis 

Acute cystitis or a UTI is a sudden bladder inflammation. It’s usually a result of a bacterial infection. 

It may make the urine seem cloudy and it may also contain debris. Cystitis is associated with kidney stones, poor hygiene, a catheter, diabetes, sexual activity, etc.

  • Diabetes

People with diabetes may have urine sediment as a result of kidney problems as a complication. It may also cause glucose to appear in the urine as sediment. 

Diabetes is a condition that influences the metabolism of fat. The ketones, a byproduct of this process, may be released into the urine.

  • Pregnancy 

Cloudy urine in pregnancy may be caused by hormones, dehydration, or a UTI. 

UTIs during pregnancy shouldn’t be left untreated. Consult your physician about tests and necessary treatment. 
